Once again a JW shows how uncompassionate they are. Sadly, I have met many "Dennises" in that religion.
JoinedPosts by TooOpinionated
it takes time...
by googlemagoogle intoday i visited a (ex)jw christian forum, the first one i registered to when i needed to talk about my doubts and thoughts.
i read my posts from 1 year ago, when i was really deep into research about the bible and the canon in particular.
now it will soon be one year ago that i finally accepted that there is no jehovah.
Trial begins June 27 Victoria Boer abuse case
by needs_lots in.
to all my friends or anyone who would like to support me, god knows i can use as many as possible, my dads criminal gardiner trial begins june 27 and 28 in orangeville ontario at the court house.. send lots of good energy my way............this will be the end of a very long journey.. vic
Good luck, Vicki!
Thank you, hawkaw.
how to live with JW
by freefly inhey,.
my partner in life (26yrs) has been converted to jw by his mother.. i am not one to whine -as very aware many have more troubles in their life.. i suppose one of my fears has been this exactly- as i know he was raised jw and should have saw the "signs.
" he always regularly visited with his mom, which i respected as felt a good sign he had a mother/son relationship.
We all feel for you. Take any strength you can from this board, and know that we are all pulling for you.
A VERY PECULIAR FEELING (and a pleasant one at that)
by Terry ini work at a bookstore that buys books for cash directly from the public.. we get maybe eighty or ninety people a day lugging in horrendously filthy boxes filled with roach droppings, mold, ancient dust and, oh yes, books.. among these books there is the occasional "find".. but, mostly (and disappointingly) it is 97% garbage.. today a fellow brought in three boxes full of typical dusty and unkempt books to sell his aunt was "getting rid of" that he thought he'd convert into easy cash.. i took his i.d.
and phone number and then looked at the boxes.. they were all jehovah's witness books!
bound volumes going back to the 50's, all the booklets, books, concordance, interlinear, bibles, etc.
Congratulations, Terry!
It's quite an accomplishment, and you are rightfully proud of yourself. It's such a feeling of empowerment when you can get past the old programmings.
One day this past December, I saw my husband go upstairs with a box of trashbags. He kept bringing down full ones, and I couldn't imagine what he was doing. Finally I asked him, and I will always remember that triumphant look on his face when he said he was getting rid of all of our literature. We had inherited alot of old books, too. Anyway, since we are big on recycling, I questioned the bags and he answered that this was one time we weren't going to follow the rules. He wasn't taking a chance that someone else would find the books in the recycle hopper and take them home, and perhaps join the cult. (I was actually one of those that found magazines in a laundromat in college, and never forgot. I eventually joined because of those magazines, so we know it can happen.)
Of course, at that time we didn't know that there would be a market for them on Ebay as I hadn't joined this site yet to find that out, but I really don't think we would have done it. We needed to show that we had strength over them in every way. It was strange realizing what a hold they had over us. We were the type that just couldn't throw away even an extra magazine. Sheesh!
Afterward, we ere actually dancing around the house like teenagers because the whole atmosphere in the house changed. It was like a big dark cloud had blown away. It sounds wierd, but it was like we were finally cleansed. People noticed that we smiled a whole lot more, too. It was a watershed moment for us. For you, too, it sounds.
Once again, congratulations!
Introducing my Mother.....
by PaulJ inmy mum has asked me to create a thread for her (basically her computer is crap, and she hasnt quite worked the site out yet) to introduce herself.
please read her biography-.
Hello and welcome!
New Quotes page: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!"
by Quotes insome of you may be aware that a high-quality reprint of the "timely", "startling", "important", "historic", and "epoch-making" book millions now living will never die!
is available for purchase from an online print-on-demand web site (http://www.lulu.com/content/116824).
i highly recommend the quality and accuracy of this reprint.
Recently Disfellowshipped
by dfd ini having been "lurking" around here for about a month--right when i was disfellowshipped actually.
in a year long relationship--broke up-five months later had a bout of conscience and told on myself.
myself and my ex are disfellowshipped and now most of my former group of "friends" are getting in trouble.
I'm fairly new, too. I lurked for a LONG time, finally registered in December, but it still took me quite awhile to get up the nerve to post. My husband and I had a JC this past Sunday (didn't go), and now it's time to move on to the next chapter in our lives.
Anyone been to Greece?
by unbeliever ini am seriously considering going to greece for my next vacation.
i have been looking at websites and they look like nothing but tourist traps.
i plan to do the whole athens tour but i want to check out some of the islands.
Well, my husband and I went there 10 years ago with a bunch of Witnesses, so that means I can't help you much since all we did was hit the tourist spots. Actually, we did enjoy it, and took the trip to Turkey to see Ephesus.
(Unless you want me to describe the meal we had at the Greek Bethal and the Watchtower study we did on the cruiseship. LOL )
It took them exactly 13 hours from the news broadcast ...
by kwintestal in.
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
Letters to and from Parents
by estrelasb inyou could argue and you would most definately have a huge valid point that i have been too agressive.
however as many posters often emphasise, personal responsibility is a key issue in parenting.
there has to be a point when one says these are my decisions too and cannot be blamed totally on manipulation (although i still maintain this is a huge huge part of the org in addition to horrendous mind control techniques and downright lies).. i feel this is my path and i am taking it.
Agressive-yes. But you know what, I am really sick and tired of everyone pussyfooting around JW's. We always have to worry about their sensiblitites, even tho they care not one whit for ours. Every so often you just have to let loose. Besides, being your parents, only you know how much they can take.
If it was someone I knew well, I would probably write the same. So I guess mine would be tore up, too. If it was the general public, letter to newspapers, etc, I would be more tactful.
It must have felt great to get it off your chest!