A sister that stood up in my wedding had an unbelieving mate. He was a fine, fine man, kind, good, treated his wife well-a husband to be proud. She became a Witness shortly after their marriage. She told me on numerous occasions that she would always be upset that "the Truth" came into her life after instead of before her marriage, because she would be alone in the New System and was envious of complete Witness families. It didn't stop some mild flirtations with brothers at the hall, either, probably because even the worse Witness male is considered superior to the finest"worldly" male. The poor man was always made to feel inferior, even though there was nothing at all wrong with him.
Right before I left, another sister with an unbelieving mate had 5 children. An elder I worked with mentioned that the elder body had advised this woman that things had gotten so bad for her that he was a "spiritual endangerment" to her, and could divorce him. Be warned, if you find this religion (cult) is not for you a few years down the road, the elders will do the same with your wife (assuming she will be your wife then. Witnesses don't allow dating for too long before you are counselled to marry.) It is just their opinions on what spiritual endangerment entails, and then your life would be dictated by mere man's whims. I know you can't see all this now-I couldn't, either. I pooh-poohed everything until it came back to hit me right between the eyes. I don't want it to happen to you.