Welcome, Dave, and thanks for sharing your story.
We have alot of people from Wisconsin here, too.
i wanted to share with people my story about the witnesses.
when i was five my mother had been searching for a new religion.
she was brought up catholic and didn't understand the church.
Welcome, Dave, and thanks for sharing your story.
We have alot of people from Wisconsin here, too.
[edited: links have been removed from this post.].
i hestitated to write this on xmas day and i hate to get anyone down, but i hope you understand and maybe send prayers my way.. .
dear friends i don't know how to even put my pain in words, or my great loss.
(((((Dede and Family)))))
My condolences to you all. I am so sorry for your loss.
the kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
Three cheers for Odrade!
the kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
Sorry, I misunderstood.
And thank you.
the kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
Up until I started questioning the way child abuse was handled in our hall, we were a very popular family. First visits and presents in the hospital after each birth (in a hospital out of town) were by elders and wives. Get togethers with elders families and ours were the norm. Camping trips, the whole nine yards.
It wasn't until I stood up and said that things are handled WRONG in regards to child abuse that I was marked and shunned.
Shame on anyone-especially an elder- that would turn their back on a struggling mother just because his wife and her cronies told him to.
the kids were sleeping, and one brother came up to me "is there a microphone on thats picking up some loud noise"?..
i said "all mikes are off except for the stage".
he said "there's gotta be something because the noise is annoying!".
This is an emotional issue for you.
These were the exact words used on me by an elder in a condecending tone when I questioned him about the 2 witness rule with child molestation. Trying to put it all back on me just made me furious. As a mother who had 3 tiny children at the hall (usually single-handed), there were plenty of times that a sleeping infant in my arms snored. EVERYONE would smile, even the permanently bitter sisters. It is such a non-issue for someone to get upset at the hall about. A grown man snoring is a different story.
The last time I went, a had a 4 yr. old, a 3yr.old, and a year old that was just beginning to walk. She wanted to keep getting away from me, the 3 year old wanted to fall asleep on me but couldn't because I had to hold back the one yr old, and the 4 yr old boy was getting restless. After the meeting the PO was telling me that when he and his wife were raising their 3 kids, they would trade off taking them to the back, etc. THEN asked me if I could do the same. My jaw just dropped. He then asked me if I could prepare better. Heck, I couldn't even pick up a book and follow along because of the kids. I was seeing red by now and I asked him (in front of a few MS's) how many of me did he see? Who was I supposed to trade off with? What was the point of such a question? He looked embarrassed and admitted it would be hard for me. I then boldly stated that after being away for some time because of child abuse in the congregation, I made a real effort to come back with 3 tiny children, but apparently it just wasn't good enough. My efforts are not appreciated, and you are trying to make me feel guilty for having kids. (There were quite a few noses that went into the air when we had our 3 one. No reason since we could afford all of our kids.)
A huge problem for me at the hall was the elder's inablility to see they were comparing apples to oranges, and measuring everything by the same yardstick.
a while back some asked what are the marks?
i read this i thought it worth posting.
1)the first mark is manipulation of scripture the bible is twisted to fit the leaders or groups interpretation.
It is a bulleted list of identifying marks of cults as listed by Steven Hassan in his book Combatting Mind Control.
I printed this out and sent it in our DA letter last summer. Hope the elders learned something!
on another thread i was responding to sentient and realized that what i was writing is what i truly feel so many who come out don't look at from a practical standpoint.
the individuals in the organization are not typically the biggest problem, it is the organization itself.
they call it an "organization" to hide its true face; it is a corporation.
Count me in. I've been dreaming of something like this.
Go ahead, Watchtower. Make my day.
i'm so caught up in the "big news" that i keep coming back here instead of working.
i'm getting very little done at work today.
It's like a magnetic force field is drawing me to the computer every 5 minutes!
there are many ways that we can actively protest against the watchtower's unjust and damaging policies.
here is one example of a method that is proving successful.
writing a letter is time-consuming for the author, but the results are worth it.