I wish I had thought of disconnecting the doorbell. Good one! I had a newborn, a 2 yr. old, and a 3 yr. old when I was going through this, and they were constantly waking up one of the kids. I was a basket case! My golden rule is to never wake up a sleeping baby, especially when I've been up all night with her, and then the Witnesses would come and lay on the doorbell. I did put a "Do Not Ring Doorbell" sign up, but then they would do what I call power knocking. If I didn't keep the door locked, they would have just walked right in. So....I kept everything locked up tight. That did take the wind out of their sails, but many times they would still turn the doorknob to see if it was locked. Talk about gutsy!
I, too, always checked to see who was at my door before I answered. Alot of times the kids would ruin that plan by running to the window so they could be seen. Oh well.
Some days they would come over 2 times in the same day! That would really make me made, because I figured after the first time it was safe to go outside.
Now, after a few years, I kick myself for giving them so much power.