Not trying to hijack this thread, but three weeks ago we received an envelope in the mail with no return address. Inside were our JW wedding photos with an unsigned note: "Memories of friends are fading fast." I figure they did me a favor by giving me more wedding pictures, but I still hate that they acted so cowardly. I would keep your pictures, as it was a chapter in your life history.
JoinedPosts by TooOpinionated
Photographs of old witness friends and Witness events. Do what with them?
by Thechickennest inmy family just took a stroll down witness lane this month as we searched for photographs that our graduating high school daughter needed for her display at her graduation party.
we have an immense file of photos of a previous life with the jw's.
in a way its a history of a former life.
Thank you, Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society!
by David_R ini wanted to say thank you to the wbts for enforcing a 'no-contact' rule on all those that have left the organization.. only by experiencing first-hand my former best-friends treating me like a complete stranger (see 'garbage') for standing up for my own beliefs was i finally able to tell the society 'good-bye' forever and not feel guilty about it.. i know this was not the wbts's intention from the alienation practice.
it's intention was to make me feel guilty and lonely enough to come back to them.
however, it has backfired on them and finally given me my freedom.. thank you, society, for lacking kindness and understanding.
Welcome, Dave. That is exactly how I feel, too. I also didn't want my children treated like trash just because of my convictions. The last time I went to a Kingdom Hall I could see that starting. Who in their right minds shuns toddlers and babies? That's just evil. What a way to damage them.
Anyone Here from Wisconsin?????
by superman inlooks like a few of you here are from wisconsin!
if your from wisconsin(but want to keep your id secret cause you are still in the org) feel free to send me a private message.
maybe one day we can have a great big apostafest in the great "cheese" state.
Welcome to another Wisconsinite! Jehovah is certainly speeding up His work-lol! We are smack dab in the center of the state. No secrecy here-I name names in my profile.
Barbara Anderson's Comments from her CD compilation now online!
by Dogpatch inbarbara anderson's comments from her cd compilation:.
secrets of pedophilia in an american religionjehovah's witnesses in crisis.
update 1/17/08: barbara anderson has released her nearly 100-page commentary found on the cd, secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis, for general distribution.
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
Bavman-DH = dear husband
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
Billy-Hi, and thank you for the info. I'm glad all is well with David and Janet. I agree, they are exceptionally nice people. I wish they could escape this cult-they are among the few witnesses that I actually like (and did right from the start-none of the witness fakey niceness because "we're all related in the truth" garbage.)
I have heard of more than a few ex-bethelites use taking care of parents as an excuse for leaving. I wonder if that was true for the Lay's as well.
In 2000 DH bought into David's phone business-what a waste of $! I always thought it was a bit strange how excited David got about the thought of Europe opening up for him with all of his contacts. Just seemed so "worldly" for him.
I'm about 800 emails behind-I am looking for your card now, and thanks!
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
Anyone remember David and Janet Lay? I know they went from Brooklyn to Patterson, and for some reason left in the late 90's or early 2000's. ( I may not be remembering this correctly). I do remember David under alot of stress around 94 or 95. I wonder if it was the generation change.
They started a study with me in the early 80's, and I was always remembered every year with a gift of an early yearbook.
Candida Anyone?
by looking_glass insince someone started a thread about "remember when there were pianos in the hall"?
i thought i would start this thread ... remember when everyone thought they had candida?
maybe it was just in il and wi.
I wonder if you are talking about my old congo?
Supposedly one brother almost died from candida-at least, that was according to his mother (who never did let him go and lead a normal life. The poor guy will never get married thanks to his mamma).
Brooke Autumn Ehlert is on JWD!(not hiding anymore).....attempt
by whyamihere infor those who are in my old congregation "lurking" for me here i am ......i have gotten word through the "almighty jw gossip grapevine" someone is spying on me.. brooke autumn ehlert!.
i had a full thread about this but i used names, dates, and personal info - which unknowingly to me some rules i must have forgotten to follow .. if you would like the full thread pm me your e-mail,(not sending through jwd pm) and i will send it to you.
even the lurkers are welcome to read what i have to say!.
Thank you, Brooke. As I suspected, my hubby and I know quite a few of them. Thank you for shedding light on the people we almost had to spend eternity with! LOL
Getting Hitched
by fullofdoubtnow ini just want to share this with you all.. a few weeks ago, trev (dedpoet) popped the question, and of course i accepted, so we are getting married!!
we have been busy getting things started since then, hence the slight delay in posting our news.
we aren't in a particular hurry, as we have no desire to have children.
I love the way your sweet story has played out. I love happy endings!