Can any post a scan of the new card with the word "allogeneic" on it? If so, even if you must obscure part of the card to protect your own identity, please post it. Until then critics can claim that they do not exist!
Now, since I believe these are really out there, and in case they actually get used and the borg allows autologous blood, I suspect they will do so in an obscure way. (This almost goes without saying.) Now, if they imply the allowance by using the word "allogeneic," which means genetically different, as opposed to actually using the word "autologous," which means from the same individual, then there are gaps...
The blood of identical twins is non-allogeneic!
Of course "non-allogeneic" can mean two things: Blood that is genetically identical, as one's own (autologous) or that from one's genetic twin. Or, it can mean blood that is not from the same species! This could explain the source of the new wording, since it is easier to argue that Hemopure is kosher because it is not human blood than to argue that hemoglobin, the very essence of blood, does not count as blood. If this is the case, then the focus would move to the Noachin commandment (which most Christians understand to outlaw murder) and the Apostolic decree (which most Christians understand to apply to food). The Mosaic Law references would all be dropped, which makes sense since the whole "pouring out" thing would prevent diagnosis of many diseases, much less pooling of blood to extract allowed fractions. If Noah's family was not told not to murder, will Nimrod be resurrected? This is all speculation, don't count on it too much, but it would be interesting to see how they refocus things if they all - implicitly or explicitly - autologous blood.