Welcome to the board...again.
Keep an open mind and heart and you'll do fine.
When I read CoC I fully expected a hate filled rant - I thought that seeing that would help me get back to meetings and studying again.
Instead I found logical and lovingly presented information (I say lovingly because I can't think of a more appropriate word).
Read it, love it.
I remain very much a christian. The one thing I realize since being out of the witnesses is how much I neglected Jesus. When I was a witness I heard some worldly people say we didn't believe in Jesus. That was so dumb to me because we mentioned Jesus a lot and believed in him. But, I didn't understand until a couple years after being out that I didn't have a relationship with Jesus. Just think, he is our redeemer, savior, judge, king and more. God has put him in charge of absolutely everything (except God himself). That was not something that we talked about at the meetings or in service.
Good lck.