I like Godrulz one about the Pharisees. I've said something similar.
I really think that when you tell a witness that you see them as Jesus saw the Pharisees there is a delayed 'wow' moment later. But, again, maybe nothing gets through.
i am looking for your best jw comeback- the kind that makes a jw's jaw drop.
ok, even two pithy sentences will do.. here's one i have used before on jws,.
moshe: " do you know what an oxymoron is?
I like Godrulz one about the Pharisees. I've said something similar.
I really think that when you tell a witness that you see them as Jesus saw the Pharisees there is a delayed 'wow' moment later. But, again, maybe nothing gets through.
here is the promised debate.
the subject is whether or not god has an organization.
i'll start things simply:.
There is a lot of posts and a lot of text in this thread.
I didn't see anyone mention the fact that Paul knew of the injunction not to eat things strangled or sacrificed to idols. However, several times in his teachings at a later point he says it is a conscience matter and acceptable.
If this was discussed already please forgive.
i am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
Welcome Chariklo,
I loved your smoking analogy. You summed up exactly how I felt as I left the witnesses.
hello all.... some of you have been following our story from the beginning - and even those of you who haven't should be able to relate to my quandary.... last week my 14 year old son told me he no longer wants to be a jw.
we laboured over telling his jw dad all week.
well, on friday night he finally came clean.. but in a bizarre and unexpected twist, after having sex with his girlfriend for the very first time - in his father's home that very afternoon.
It's clear that you love your son and have his best interests in your heart. ((((((hugs)))))
I know it's not easy but keep up your great efforts.
big development.... i got a text message from my sister at 1:45 am that said: "i just told (my other sister) that i am disassociating myself.".
we have been texting back and forth and i guess she told my mother the same thing.. memorial night seems to have been the clincher for her - she was very upset about three interactions with the elders and i guess she just had it.. we did talk a little bit that night and i very carefully mentioned some research i've been doing.
i didn't get into it too much.. but she basically agreed that like me, she believes in god, jesus and the bible but not so much the 'organization'.. she is going to be talking to my family more today.
Yes HIS, I think the advice you've received from Leaving and Yan is spot on. Not saying anything is the hardest part of leaving while trying to maintain family and friends.
I wish you and your family all the best.
ours might have spent 10 minutes on the sacrifice of jesus.
he must have spent 15 minutes on how we have almost no hope of being chosen and gave the same stats other threads are mentioning 18 mil 11k eating blah, blah.
i am thinking they are in damage control with the increasing numbers of partakers.
The bulk of the outline is who partakes and who doesn't. With a pinch of making fun of other churches thrown into the mix.
it wasn't all that bad.
met a few friends who also don't give too much about it and had some great laughs afterwards.
we talked about how we still remember when only about 7000 took from the emblems and now its more than 11000. we also laughed about how it would look like having jesus and his disciples pass around wine and bread on a plate like that.. all in all it was the same procedure as every year.
Sorry Desilusionnee. I know how that feels. Hang in there, you are not alone.
it wasn't all that bad.
met a few friends who also don't give too much about it and had some great laughs afterwards.
we talked about how we still remember when only about 7000 took from the emblems and now its more than 11000. we also laughed about how it would look like having jesus and his disciples pass around wine and bread on a plate like that.. all in all it was the same procedure as every year.
I go today as well. Tough to count partakers because everyone is seated and you can't really see them.
Do you think they'll discuss the overlapping generations at the memorial this year?
hello, have been on this board for a few years, and now my wife is asking me to read the subject book with her.
it seems pretty 'vanilla' in my scan through it, seems to lift up the male headship issue a few times and of course the cure to all ill is to 'attend christian meetings'.. am still working to fully open her eyes, anything in here i can use that may help, any conflicts with current doctrine i could possibly point out??.
Hi Insearchof,
I didn't read all the advice but I'm sure most of it is spot on.
For my 2cents: I'd go to a christian bookstore and find a newer more well written couples book and offer to go over that with her; especially since the Secret to Family Happiness is 15 years old.
Good luck.