Even my family who have been dubs for decades are hesitant to remember the old rules. I've taken the opportunity once in awhile when they show me something on the web or I see them using a tablet to prepare for the meetings to mention how much has changed.
The response? A blank expression followed by something like 'what do you mean?' I actually have to explain to older long time dub family members that used to look down on people bringing scripture printouts to the hall how much things have changed. Then they say something like 'I guess so.'
I find it frustrating.
I really do think the GB 2.0 didn't plan all off this in advance but were given a heads up by COs that it was going to be impossible to stamp out electronics so they decided to embrace it and thus try to control it and ride a wave of increased emotionally attachment by digitally connected dubs who can embrace technology without the guilt we used to have.
I think it's a two edge sword. Less electronic guilt may cause or allow some dubs to stumble upon interesting information from the internet.