Not too long. I loved it. Thanks for taking your time to post so much detail.
JoinedPosts by TheListener
My Elderette returns for a final Bible Study session, after I avoided her for 2 months (very long post)
by Faithful Witness insome of this will be repeat, since it's been a little while since i posted about my "bible study" sessions with miss k, my elderette.
we are talking about the name of jehovah.
thanks for talking with us today.
Our Kingdom Ministry November 2014 PDF
by WatchTower87 inour kingdom ministry november 2014 pdf.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
According to page 3 a dub can count a return visit by texting someone! Unbelievable. How low the bar has sunk.
My neighbor is a return visit. Should I say something?
by Zoos ini stayed home sick from work the other day and noticed a car group pull up to my neighbor's house.
she's a stay-at-home mom.
i decided it was time to retrieve something from my truck to see if i could recognize the visiting sisters.
Most return visits end up going nowhere. Hopefully your neighbor will naturally fizzle out as a return visit. I think you have to be careful how much you say because if she becomes a witness you may end up with an unfriendly neighbor.
I've thought about giving a return visit the link to jwfacts but then I also wondered if the return visit asks the dubs visiting them some of the issues they read about and get answers that satisfy them (even if they're crap answers) it may speed up their indoctrination instead of stopping it.
Imho I would just mention to the neighbor that you saw the witnesses the other day at her door while you were home sick and wondered what's up. You will probably be able to tell right away what she really thinks about the dubs.
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
Loooove iiiiiiiit! This just reminds me why I faded away.........
27 madness
by Gorbatchov inmore and more special campain pictures made by the r&f flush over the internet.. it's crazy how this madness becomes a phallus inside the witness world.. observing it from some distance, it is clear: is the central theme of the current witness beliefs.
every step they make, is for promoting
when they speak, they only speak about
What I find weird is that the website isn't especially well designed or modern looking. Just weird.
Members of the writing department has resigned
by hardtobeme inthis is what i found at
i don't know if it's true.
on august 25, 2014, we received the following comment and inquiry: .
I appreciate seeing what other websites have to say. Thanks Hardtobeme for posting the information.
I wish the orginal post information was true but I doubt it. Maybe one day in the future something exciting like that will happen.
A new member
by LP97 ini'm a 17 year old from scotland.
can i just say this site is absolutely brilliant.
finally found people with open minds and free thought that doesn't just consist of "well the wt told me this so it must be right".. my story is that i'm just like any other child of a jw...brought up into a life of indoctrination where "the world's" thinking is automatically wrong.. that is until i was 14 - a light turned on in my head.
Welcome LP97. Glad you are posting.
why did they have to butcher the kingdom melodies?
by purrpurr inits not like there was anything wrong with them was there?
i used to love the old ones.
these new ones feel like the equivalent of a deflated balloon.. does anyone have the answer?.
I believe the change was a control thing. it was a way of stripping off a bit of comfort that some older ones had. Music is a great communicator and they didnt want feelings of nostalgia creeping in and reminding them of how mucb has cbanged so fast. Especially when the organization is about to leap forward and be a lot more jw.orgy.
Will the JW.Org Site make a difference ?
by Phizzy init will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
I checked out the dubs website. It seems very simple, maybe too simple. The pictures and articles appear corny. But I faded a while ago and my view is probably not the most unbiased.
Compared to other religious websites the dubs website just seems cheaply done.
9 pins
by lambsbottom inspouse said local congregation meeting they attended they were handing out pins and most of the brothers/ some sisters were wearing them during meeting.
speaker was wearing one.
I wonder how long the newness and zeal of the stuff will actually last?