JoinedPosts by TheListener
Super JW Cart
by M*A*S*H ini have a confession to make.
a strange urge is building in my brain... each time i see a jw literature cart on the street it builds.
it is becoming a stronger and stronger thought in my mind.
Whoever posted the idea of secretly putting other types of literature on the dub carts was the idea I liked. Anti-jw tracts on a jw cart would be funny. -
Just me?
by stuffwotifink inmy family are no longer in the shadow of the watchtower.
(2nd generation born in, but only a small family)for that i have to offer my thanks to simon and everyone on this forum whose posts helped expose me to ttatt (i struggle to say quite how much it actually means to me, so i won't say more than, thank you).it all took a year or two, but i've read enough to know that i'm incredibly lucky and that it all happened for me in a very short time.although time turns to syrup when you have to wait.
"expectation postponed..." will the platitudinous catchphrase scriptures ever stop coming to mind?when i started to tell my family some of the things i'd been learning online, they looked at me with no little fear and trepidation.
I shunned a close relative and best friend for years. I was a jackass. I've since reconnected and apologized a lot. They have acted more christian than the dubs I still know and forgave me. We've moved past it and our relationships are great. -
What other Shenanigans can we expect to see in the next 2 years?
by John Aquila inits been a little over 2 years since i left the watchtower.
in that time the magazines have been cut, the birth of jwtv, jw-org.
carts for preaching, removed district overseers, cut assemblies, demand all the money from the congregations, stop construction and layoff bethelites, change the format of the tmschool .
I really can't see them getting rid of the preaching work. I agree Old Major that it's busy work for the publishers and the WTS needs them to be busy. Publishers that sit around and do nothing can get apathetic. Busy publishers are excited about the big A.
I see the WT/AW being consolidated and the WT study articles being added to the new CLAM meeting KM thingy. I also see them requesting the publishers to print their own monthly CLAM meeting thingy. But, I see some books and the consolidated magazine still being printed so they can control the quality - such as it is.
More video parts and 2 day regional conventions.
On the realization you will not "live forever"
by problemaddict 2 insomething struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
My wife and I are in the situation now where our parents are older and not super healthy. I realize they will one day pass away and I will miss them but I do what I can now to see and speak with them regularly; even my in-laws. My wife shows no fear that they will die because the big A is coming and they will all live through it. She is completely unprepared for the death of her parents. When it happens, and it eventually will, I don't know if it will drag her deeper into the cult or maybe wake her up. The same goes for when she finally comes face to face with her own mortality as we age and get closer to a natural ending.
I really try to enjoy my life now and show my appreciation for those around me.
Operation "Change meeting infrra-weekly" is a smokescreen
by LaFrancia inthe operation "change midweek meeting" probably was a move to divert attention of the brotherhood from layoffs to betel and the ranks of special pioneers, a smokescreen for the pedophilia scandal !
!operation "change meeting infrra-weekly" is a smokescreen.
what do you think ?.
I totally agree that everytime the WTS makes a change the rank and file think the end is coming immediately. I've seen myself that the a lot of the rank and file have stepped up their activity level in the last couple months. We'll see how long this lasts before they tire out and it all becomes mundane again.
I remember something similar when the separate bookstudy night meeting was cancelled. Everyone in my area thought that big A was going to happen immediately - or at least the nearest October :)
Dubs love October
Do they notice who no longer gives donations?
by onightdivine inbecause i haven't put in a single dime for over a year now in the box at the kh.
the usual custom is to put money in there right after the meetings.
but heck, i already spend so much in car fuel just to attend - i don't care really if the gb starves and dies.. oops.. anyway, do the elders take note who's donating and who's not?.
Walk to the box and pretend to put something in. Do it every time you attend a meeting. I wouldn't put an empty envelope in because that will alert them that something is up. Just pretend to have some folded up cash. -
by Heartsafire inlong time lurker here.
i'm a fifth gen born-in baptized jw.
to say i've been struggling with doubts is an understatement.
Welcome Heartsafire! I am married to a witness wife and successfully faded. We were able to maintain our marriage. My wife didn't turn me into the elders when I was fading. I try to plant seeds but she sees through that so pretty much after my initial OMG DID YOU SEE THIS HONEY! moments when researching and learning we have an unspoken truce. Our marriage isn't perfect but it works for us, most of the time. My kids are free - so far.
Keep reading, posting and developing relationships on here because there will be days when you need a more personal friend to rant to. Good luck.
Warwick news
by Rattigan350 in
supervisor michael sweeton also sought a resolution to reduce the performance bond from pledged collateral account control agreement with the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. from $22.6 million to $7.3 million and to authorize the release the difference to the organization.the watchtower bible and tract society jehovahs witnesses world headquarters is advancing in its new construction.
the 45-acre development site on the tuxedo-warwick border, in sterling forest, is set to be completed by the end of 2016.the motion passed..
It goes without saying that if they suspend construction on Warwick I will be sooooo happy. -
Speculation on future donation arrangements
by respectful_observer inin the aftermath of this year's annual meeting and the recent tremors of cash shortfalls within the organization, i began thinking "what could they do next to bring in more $$$.".
many here have speculated that we're seeing incremental moves toward "tithing" (of course they would never call it that).
a recent thread (can't find it right now) highlighted that they recently raised the "suggested per publisher donation" at the circuit assembly significantly (tripled it?)..
You're so right Petraglyph, but ice cream money is small potatoes when compared to chipotle! Anything they can do to create panic and a false sense of impending doom. Only we will be saved. -
Were the elders informed about the construction shutdown?
by LevelThePlayingField inanybody know?
They are really pumping them up with spiritual caffeine over the past couple months. My wife's involvement has went up significantly over the past 2 months. I am just waiting for the pendulum to swing back the other way when they all get tired out.