I wonder who they're really trying to convince with their list?
Hmmmm, maybe the FB poster needs to study and pray more to strengthen their faith.
I wonder who they're really trying to convince with their list?
Hmmmm, maybe the FB poster needs to study and pray more to strengthen their faith.
the apostate that hung around bethel back in the early 1970's.. i talk about "the frog" and "lady margret" in my book but knew nothing about "mr. coffee".
any help please.
new boy.
He yelled at me when my family visited. Barr told me to be as dedicated as Mr Coffee was in my service to Jeh....er the governing body.
He actually said Jehovah.
i searched "gambling" on this forum and only found old threads.
so thought i'd share.
perhaps it has already been commented on and i am just repeating.. see you all in vegas baby!
Wow that's total news to me. I agree with others, every form of gambling was off limits. We even had talks about what to do if someone gave you a free lottery ticket.
has anyone had success in helping your spouse to wake up?
i’m thinking of showing my husband jwfacts.
he is starting to do his own research using wikipedia and google.
A lot of us have been where you are. It is stressful and lonely. At least it was for me. Having this board and the few friends I made at work saved my life.
has anyone had success in helping your spouse to wake up?
i’m thinking of showing my husband jwfacts.
he is starting to do his own research using wikipedia and google.
My wife is still in and probably always will be. Partly social and partly to spite me, maybe.
so i was talking with my husband about all the things the organization is doing ie.
hiding pedophiles, lying about what 1914 was etc.
so his response was that the nation of israel had times when they weren’t doing the right thing, but it was still gods chosen organization.. another topic we were talking about was disfellowshipping.
This was the argument I used:
This was a discussion point I had with my wife. But, I think it is really better to not discuss doctrine. They cannot see the other side of an issue.
Prior to the outpouring of Jehovah's holy spirit his followers made all sorts of mistakes and had disagreements about what was correct, even the apostles (read the threads on circumcision). But, once the holy spirit was poured out that stopped. The organization claims Jehovah's holy spirit is active upon it, therefore they shouldn't have to change doctrine or make the mistakes like the Israelites made.
I wish you the best of luck.
am i imagining this?at the kingdom hall we were told many times that noah warned the others about the coming flood and was ridiculed but actually there is no evidence of this in the bible!there is however evidence to the contrary.
matthew 24:37-39.
37 as it was in the days of noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man.
If the flood and Noah and the rest of it were real then...
Imagine how many people there may have been in the bible's preflood world. With their long life span and lots and lots of kids.
The WT CDrom has a reference to the preflood population which says something like it can't be known but it is likely less than exist today - well, what the hell that only means there could be between 8 and 5 billion people!
tv trailer: ‘leah remini: scientology and the aftermath: the jehovah’s witnesses' two hour special event - a&e, 9pm et/pt, tues, nov 13, 2018. https://youtu.be/yzdege5im90.
didn't see a post about it yet.
will you be tuning in?
I'm gonna watch it.
Hopefully it will be informative and presented in a profession manner.
I doubt my wife will watch it. But me and the kids will.
Soon the cries of 'ohohoh we're being persecuted by the media!' will be heard at the KH. Hahahaha dumb sh$*ts.
how strict were the jehovah’s witnesses you knew about birthday cake?
i knew a girl who saw a few pieces of cake in the break room at her work, and ate a peice, then found out later that it was left over birthday cake.
she felt so guilty and was scared about a bad impression she left on her work mates.
Was allowed to save the cake or candy until the next day and then it was fair game. I was an adult before I had fresh birthday cake hahahahaha stupid bastards
ok so just thinking it over here.
in the recent montana lawsuit wt had to show their net worth.
it came in at like 1.6 billion i think.
You may be right about them hiding the money OrphanCrow.
When I was in I viewed all the leaders as sincere believers and since I've been out it is really hard to shake that feeling. I have a hard time getting myself to understand that there are shrewd businessmen at the helm of the organization and that they are not all true believers.
I guess I always sort of thought of the witnesses as a religion that went wrong and kept going wrong. I need to start thinking of it as less a religion and more of a business with lawyers and bankers and stuff. they have done a good job of hiding that part of the religion or business from the rank and file.