I haven't heard a worthwhile prayer in years!!! No offense to my ex-husband, who occasionally reads the forum, but I knew exactly what he would say at the family dinner table in prayer. EXACTLY! I cringed at his prayers at the end. It was painful. Prayer at the kingdom hall is the same way. Boring, unmoving, rote! If I am bored, is GOD?
Posts by peggy
Prayer??? Real or just something we fool ourselves with!
by free2beme ini was thinking about this today and i found a interesting thought in my mind that i thought would be worth considering here.
i should start off by saying that i do not think prayers to god are answered, as it is like making a call to a wrong number.
however, i do think you can fool yourself into thinking they are, in the following way.. let's say you pray over and over asking for this and that and that.
Our dog died. :(
by Mulan inour 15 year old dog died this afternoon..............with assistance from a veterinarian friend of rachel's (princess).
she was old, sick, and with multiple health issues.
it was a really hard decision, but the vet really helped ease my mind, by assuring me it was time.
I just want you to know how Big a deal I think this is! I lost Peaches, my 16 year old cat in August. My 22 year old daughter went to the Vet with me and we held her for about an hour and said our good byes. She was SO sick, I wanted her suffering to end! The Vet cried with us but it was a peaceful end. We took her home and buried her that night next to the deck where she loved to sun bath. I miss her so much! My kids were 10, 8. and 6 when we got her and they all cried! We adopted a naughty little kitty about 6 weeks ago. I love her so much! Still, I will never forget my "Peaches"!
Is disfellowshipping bad?
by Simon init seems that some people are keen to use disfellowshipping as the measure of anything bad.
if someone is deleted from a forum for being obnoxious then that is akin to being disfellowshipped and is b-a-d. yada yada yada.. is it?.
is every disfellowshipping "bad" simply by virtue of being a disfellowshipping?.
First of all, IMO, disfellowshiping is bad, in "the contest for which we know it"! NOW if you want to talk about deleting ones from this forum, then "say it like it is". Is deleting "ones from this forum bad"? Say what you mean and mean what you say! This is a discussion board. At times it has become heated! Political views are shared, tempers flare! I think that Mimimus made a good point! Yet he was put down for it. The complaint was made that some were sending rude, even violent e-mails. Put your personal filter on........and delete comments on this board, but not people!
Watchtower: Theocratic or corporate?
by DaCheech inthe other week we were read a letter about the upcoming elder/ms training school.
out of all the letter i discussed with my friend from another congregation the part that said "if you are unable to go to your assigned school, and you want to attend another circuit's school you can with the circuit overseer's permission.... but if you happed to attend an earlier one than the brother s you frequent, you should keep all matter confidential until they hear it themselves".
well my friend (jw) cracked up, and laughed at this "stupidity", but before the conversation was over, he added his own personal experience "stupidity".. he said: in my cong.
A letter was read at the congregation today. They have lowered the standards for the international conventions coming up in 2006. If you want to attend one of these you now only need to have been a pioneer for five years or an elder or servant for a "combined" total of five years. Your spouse will be allowed to attend with you. I am not sure what the previous standard was when it was first read. I want to say fifteen years service. Apparently the applications were low, therefore the requirements lowered. Recently a CO told me that every year 30 CO's leave the work. Last year they lost 60. Is the corporation in doing poorly?
THE ANOINTED: Qualified? to be Judges?
by Terry inthe cream of the anointed crop, as it were, is the faithful and discreet slave.
they direct the others.
but, all will serve a "greater" purpose as kings and judges in the government designed by jehovah.
It is my belief that within ANY organized group you will find CORRUPTION! The problem is that FDS has charged EVERY group, but their OWN, to be CORRUPTED!!! They have set themselves apart and ABOVE and we BOUGHT it, at least for a time. MEN in POWER judge THEMSELVES to be qualified! We the people must NOW judge for ourselves!
My mother attended a non-JW wedding reception today
by findingmyway inmy parents's best friends' (bro.
elder and sis.
pioneer) eldest unbaptized son got married today to his second child's mother.
My son was invited to the wedding of my nephew but was told that because he was inactive and dating a worldly girl, he was bad association and not invited to the reception. Worldly people were invited to both! My son had the class to attend the wedding and my ex-husband and I left with him, although we were invited to both also. Hypocrites? Sad to say........brain washed!
by juni inanother question for all of you.
at local level elders encouraged members to not talk so much about the hurricanes and the hardships they have made for so many as this kind of talk is not upbuilding.
people are only supposed to have enough knowledge about it so as to be able to lead into a presentation at the door.
The huricane makes for HOT political discussions! A BIG NO NO!
What do you beleive?
by Ragnar1211 insince it is pretty clear what all of you do not believe i am wondering what you do beleive?
1) who is the creator of the universe?
3) why do we grow old and die?
Ragnar1211---------You need to spend some more time reading on the JWD! There IS a REASON why the WTS does not want us on the internet! TRUTH is revealed! NOT the BASHING of JW's, but TRUTH!
Does anyone remember when the GREEN SURVIVOR book was released? I thought that was it! They had a plan for us to SURVIVE! LUCKY US!
How far back can you remember?
by JH in.
i remember starting a thread like this many years ago..... no, honetly, i can remember things that happend to me when i was about 3 years old.
i was on my tricycle and i got lost, so my mom phoned the cops and they found me.
I met with a forensic psychologist today. Her first question? Tell me your earliest memories? The words that come to mind are, fear, anger, pain , alone. My mother started studying when I was 2, she was baptized when I was 4. My dad HATED her religion! I have very limited memory of childhood. What I have is painful. I am always amazed at people who describe that childhood as ideal, happy!