I believe that BoozeRunner should take his hands off of my woman.
Do Halle Berry be yo woman?
forgive my brutal honesty but thats my take on this site so far.
thats not to say that it serves no useful purpose.
but it does seem that many of you are totally consumed with proving to yourself and others that jw's don't have the truth.
I believe that BoozeRunner should take his hands off of my woman.
Do Halle Berry be yo woman?
i wonder how much of a trend this is, and what it means for the watchtower publishing empire.
hours up, placements down ....
Tina, I read the MoTG post about the news article. In true DUB form, he shrugged it off as lies. And to think, saying it was from a private newsgroup-that was the REAL lie. But he had no problem pointing out that the murder here in NJ was an "inactive" as he put it. He provided the link to that one I think.
btw, I sent the Berry story link to a popuar talk radio show host yesterday via e-mail. Gonna see if I hear anything next week on their show.
has anyone heard about the news article in the august 8 record, about the young teen murdered by another ex-bethelit over a dispute over a girl?
it happend last week in ringwood, new jersey, and the jw's involved from the west milford congregation, as mentioned in the paper.
Yes, ARoarer, it was posted here a couple of days ago.
i thought i would let you all know i will likely be away from posting for about 10 days.
we are leaving sunday to go camping, and are meeting princess and her family, and venice and her mom and dad, who are already there.
it's "soft" camping.
Mulan, have a great time. Enough talk about bikins now!
yes, it's me, "sunchild.
" i apologize for posting something so self-indulgent and mostly off-topic, but i sense that i've confused a few people here lately.
maybe this will clear things up... or just raise more questions.. i know that i'm not quite as old as some other people who post here.
Hi Rocelle,
Thanx for reminding us that we ALL have weakenesses. I truly believe that no matter how much we mature, and deal with adversity in our lives, there always seems to be a fatal flaw which we will likely battle for most of our adult lives.
That side of me is, above all else, terrified of being hurt or being worthless;
Not unlike most of us
But what have I really lost? I get to feel good for having done what I believe to be the right thing,.....
Thats important, to do what you believe is right, especially in this context, where you are attempting to help another.
Your signature-
"If you have a quality, you should be proud of it. Let it define you, whatever it is."
-reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:
To thine own self be true.
"all things are continuing exactly the same as from creation's beginning" is the thinking attributed to those ridiculers of christ's presence.
because the sign of christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith is not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that the system is nearing its hour of judgment.
in this the 2nd week of august 2001, the evidence steadily mounts that apostate ridiculers of jehovah's word are very badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a very large paddle.
Too funny!!
"all things are continuing exactly the same as from creation's beginning" is the thinking attributed to those ridiculers of christ's presence.
because the sign of christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith is not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that the system is nearing its hour of judgment.
in this the 2nd week of august 2001, the evidence steadily mounts that apostate ridiculers of jehovah's word are very badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a very large paddle.
yada yada yada...more gloom and doom from the WTS chief soothsayer.
Isnt it time for you to disappear from the board again?
well i met my first witness (and it would have to be an elder who i always got on well with) last night after my disassociation 3 weeks ago and i was not prepared for how hard it felt.
i had the most human reaction of recognising someone i knew and had to stop myself saying hi.
he just rushed past me.
Hi Aud, sorry you have to go thru this crap. I know the feelings well. After I was DF'd, I was brokering some promotional items for a friends family reunion. The graphic designer I was using was unable to complete the artwork for me, so I called a brother who owned his own Graphic Design business. He refused to do business with me. It really sickened me at the time.
But now I realize that such people are embedded in the JW cult mindset. They are just following orders for fear of their lives-at least thats what they are told.
Theres a whole world out there waiting for you to discover it, and you can come to this board for encouragement.
did being in the org really screw up your idea of what dating is.. i gues you would have to had "courted" in the org to answer this question.. the orgs idea of dating is in a sense to get married.. while outside.... marriage isnt even thought of for a looooong while.. my question is because i dont know if a girl is .
being casual or brushing me off : )
If you love someone, set them free.
If they return, it was meant to be.
If not, stalk them, hunt them down, and drag em back kicking and screaming.
Proceed to show them the error of their ways, and give em another chance.
i wanted to start with a bang, so i have a question.. my girlfriend told me today that she doesn't mind me having sex with other women.
i said,"i don't want an 'open relationship'" and she replied, "i know, i can't sleep with other men, but if you do that's ok".
is this girl a lettuce leaf short of a picnic.
Definitely a test. Or she is already guilty of infidelity.
Either way, dont fall for it.