YVVW-I hope the new day brought a bit of sunshine into your life today. :-)
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
YVVW-I hope the new day brought a bit of sunshine into your life today. :-)
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
I get such triggers occasionally myself.
Losing my wife 7 years ago was traumatic. Sometimes just passing through the town we lived in, or places we liked to go will put me in a funk for hours. I cry, get angry, etc. But I think that because I know why, I am eqipped to deal with it.
Sometimes, it means just seeking out a few good friends and getting my mind on something else helps me get through it. Usually, just the good company can go miles for me.
There a few ways to look at this issue. Lately, I have been disturbed about how easily we are letting our freedoms slip away.
Too often, it is a knee-jerk reaction to something appalling, or to a tragedy.
For example, the idea of a national ID system containing fingerprints on Drivers Licenses. Do YOU want to be fingerprinted like a criminal?
Personally, I think I have the right to live my life in TOTAL obscurity and anonymity if I chose to.
States force electronic toll payment systems like EZ-Pass and such. Our movements can be tracked each day.
Am I paranoid? Maybe, but not without good reason. I have watched governments pass laws which simply amount to either ways to contol us, or to get our money.
I mean, whens the last time you heard of a person flying out of a car during an accident and killing a pedestrian due to not wearing a seatbelt? So, why should we be forced to wear one?
Its about control, PERIOD, and the best way to control is to limit freedoms.
Aint we learned nothing from our years in the Borg?
As to ID's at the door for JWs-there are many things I dont mind doing voluntarily, I just want to have the CHOICE to do it or not.
p.s.That means I agree with Seeker on this one
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
I hear you loud and clear. I figured that since TINA titled this thread I need you tonight my friends,Please, that she needed a lil help from her friends temporarily. Besides, I know she is smart enough to know when it will get TOO overwhelming for such a temporary solution.
I guess I dont like to "go beyond whats written." LOL
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
Tina, my heart goes out to you. HANG IN THERE!!! {{{{{{HUGSSSS}}}}}
p.s.Sometimes, the words and heartfelt concerns of those we know can go alot further than the best of professionals, especially if our needs are short-lived.
the following letter was emailed to me from a person who sent it to an arizona newspaper.. silentlambs.
to the editor:.
survivors of sexual abuse need support and validation to heal.
This is a good idea-while the Catholic Church is in the news, we should make attempts to remind the public through letters to the editor, or to writers of articles about the Catholic pedophile problem, that there are problems also within the JWs. Directing them to Silentambs or other sites conatining facts so they can research the evidence themselves seems like a good way to handle it without sounding like disgruntled Ex-JWs with an axe to grind.
I e-mailed a writer last Friday after his article. I recieved an e-mail acknowledgement on Monday, but it didnt say whether he was interested in pursuing a story from what he saw. Then again, a thorough investigation of facts can take time. I will keep monitoring my newspaper.
what about normalcy?
is it even an option?
am i hoping in vain for something that wont come?
WaterGoddess, welcome to the board.
You pose a very good question. For me, I conquered the "new friends" thing by being very outgoing, and approachable. At different stages of my life out of the Borg, I have had to kinda sort thru my new friends, to see who is a true friend, and who is not. Its just a continual process of growth as a person. There are no guarantees, but it can be an enlightening as well as a fun journey.
I say, seek what you wan to be "normal" for YOU, and enjoy the ride.
everyone on this board has always been there for me when i needed help and i appreciate it so much.
now it is my friend that is in trouble.
(the same one that i wrote about in most of my other posts particularly the ones about ray franz and coc).
Dear Hungry.....The abuse part jumped out at me first and foremost!!! If for whatever reason your friend cant leave at this time, at least set up an e-mail account that she can write to and journal each and every instance of abuse( physical or emotional). YOU or a trusted friend should keep the password. (be sure to visit the mailbox occasionally to keep it current) In this way, when legalities come into play, there is a record to present to a court. I saw something about her hubby cancelling the net account, but if she really wants OUT, she will find a way.
Even if she writes letters and mails them through the post office when hubby is at work, that will suffice too.
with all the nice guy/bad boy and do looks matter posts doing so well i thought it might be fun to do a worst date ever post.. so here goes mine: about 3 years ago my married friend had a neighbor she was good friends with he was a young widower with 2 kids and she thought we might like to get to know each other.
so we agreed to meet for dinner at his apt (he lived 2 apts down from my friend so it did not seem awkward or unsafe).
he cooked spaghetti and afterwards pulled out the old photo albums.
Worst date?? HMMMMMMM....This happened during my Borgus interruptus stage ( I was inactive, but went back years later). A co-worker who was VERY interested in me invited me over for dinner. Her objectives were obvious (slipping into nightgown, and taking her BC pill in CLEAR SIGHT gave it away-LOL).
After having sex, she LICKED MY FACE like a pooch!!!! UGHHHHH Needless to say, I never went back there. She didnt speak to me @ work for about 4 months.
im a liceinced electrician now working in wireless communication installations.i love the electrical industry,there is so much to learn and so many different things do work with and technology is always changing.never a boaring day especially when we are working in the office buildings downtown,chicks everywhere!.
Graphics Arts Pre-Press tech. That means I make printing plates, color proofs of impending press rus, and solve problems no one else wants to deal with. :-P Also, I DJ on the side, and also broker print jobs that some friends of mine are too lazy to mozy down to their local printer and take care of.