with all the nice guy/bad boy and do looks matter posts doing so well I thought it might be fun to do a worst date ever post.
So here goes mine: About 3 years ago my married friend had a neighbor she was good friends with he was a young widower with 2 kids and she thought we might like to get to know each other. So we agreed to meet for dinner at his apt (he lived 2 apts down from my friend so it did not seem awkward or unsafe). He cooked spaghetti and afterwards pulled out the old photo albums. The next 2 hours were spent with him talking about his life. Complete with photographic detail. This guy was not a good conversationalist and had a very boring life. the highlight was his highschool football career (I mean the guy was 38). It was sad, I could barely stay awake. Then he showed me pictures of his late wife who had died in a car wreck 2 years before. As if that wasn't bad enough he started to tell me how she was nuts and her death was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Because right before she died she had accused him of molesting their two boys. Then he invites me out to the Jacuzzi with him. I say not thanks I dont have a suit he offers to loan me one of hers, I decline again and tell him I need to go it is getting late (it was 9:00pm). He said ok gave me a slice of pumpkin pie in a tupperware container and drove me home. When I got out of the car I shook his hand and said thank you. He gave me a ribbon rose in a tiny glass container(needless to say I did not go out with him again, I did give my friend the tupperware to give him) She could not believe he had been so creepy, less than 2 months later he married another girl he had just met. UGGHHH
edited to delete a duplicate sentence