Good to hear that a molester is off the street, and that potential victims will be spared suffering.
Hippikon, if an average citizen witnessed or was privy to an admission of a crime, they would be subpeonaed to testify. Should that change just because they are of the clergy?
Pedophilia is a crime that seriously destroys and alters lives. It is one thing to help a person to repentance, but quite another to hide, shuffle, and protect such criminals.
I know the harm that false accusations can do-my life was pretty much destroyed by false allegations of rape several years ago by an inactive sister who suffered molestation by her OWN father, an elder who was protected by the "old boy network" within the elder arrangement. She became a multiple-personality nymphomaniac with no control over her sexuality-thus the false charges.
No anger here, but elders need to encourage victims to report these crimes to the authorities, instead of using that tired old "2 witnesses" criteria.
p.s. No one ever tries to stop JW's from talking about how Brother or Sister "X" committed fornication, etc, etc at the risk of slandering a person, so why is this such a priority in molestation cases?