FlyinHighNow- You have WAY too much time on your hands when you're thinking about how conversations are supposed to go.
Posts by Dustin
Getting to know you silly quiz...
by misspeaches inokay you know the drill.
answer the questions so we get to know you better.. **miss peaches of the i'm in a silly mood class.. where would you take a gorilla on a date?.
who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with for three hours?.
whyamihere turns a quarter of a century old: 7/12/05!!
by HadEnuf in(ahhhhhhh....dustin beat me to it; but i'm posting what i was gonna post anyway...because i can)!!
i just wanted to be the first in line (though i'm not) to wish my little brookiepooh (whyamihere) a very happy birthday!!
she's one of my mostest favorite people in the world and having her for my "daughter" has been such a delight!
Hey, why is your thread more colorful and fun than mine DAMN IT! Anyways, all I have to say is Ha Ha I beat you to it. We are going to take her out, and have an awesome time. I can't wait to see you on the 23rd! PM me with what you still need or want me to bring. Hopefully me and Brooke are still going to have our dance-off.
Anways here's to Brooke.
Does anyone else flip off the Kingdom Hall when they drive by?
by Dustin inso it has become habit for me to go out of my way when driving to make sure i can give it the finger as i drive by.
i especially like to do this on the way to one of my favorite bars, especially on meeting nights just so people who knew me can see me do it.
i don't know why, but this has become a tradition of sorts.
O.K. so it has become habit for me to go out of my way when driving to make sure I can give it the finger as I drive by. I especially like to do this on the way to one of my favorite bars, especially on meeting nights just so people who knew me can see me do it. I don't know why, but this has become a tradition of sorts. I could simply avoid going past it, but it feels so much better to flip it off and tell Jehovah to "F..k off". Does anyone else do this? Do you think I need to stop this?
Everyone wish Whyamihere (Brooke) a big happy birthday
by Dustin intommorow is my good friend brooke (whyamihere's) birthday.
everyone wish her the best as i am taking her out along with my wife to make her drink and party.
Brooke says she's not getting drunk. Now I'm sad. Please don't tell me we are going with your suggestion of me drinking all of your birthday shots. That would be wrong!
Anyways here's to wishing you the happiest birthday EVER! See everybody loves you.
by jeanniebeanz intoday is my husband, rocker-dudes, birthday!.
he is 41 which is quite disturbing for someone with heavy metal coursing through his veins...he was never supposed to pass 21. .
your 'condolences' would be most appreciated... .
Hell yeah Rocker Dude. You still are young yet man. Sully from Godsmack recently turned 38 so it's all good. You are in your rocker prime, old enough to know better but still young enough to pick up hot chicks(kidding Jeannie). Anyways happy birthday, hope you party hard and make us all proud.
Everyone wish Whyamihere (Brooke) a big happy birthday
by Dustin intommorow is my good friend brooke (whyamihere's) birthday.
everyone wish her the best as i am taking her out along with my wife to make her drink and party.
Tommorow is my good friend Brooke (Whyamihere's) birthday. Everyone wish her the best as I am taking her out along with my wife to make her drink and party.. I think it's in the order I just pictured. Anyways wish her the best, as she is an absolutely awesome person.
the most wonderful human being..
by katiekitten inwho possibly could fit the following descriptions:
"c is a very thoughtful, caring and unselfish person" .
"c is instinctively compassionate".
Congragulations. Good job on bringing up your kids the right way.
PLEASE REPLY ASAP!!! Disfellowshiped without a meeting with elders?!?!?!
by chok in.
i was trying to fade, and thought i had done so successfully for the past 18months.. i have just received a call from my dad saying it will be announced tomorrow that i have been disfellowshipped... can they do this???.
I'm not sure. I thought they had to meet with you first to determine your unrepentance. But they are always changing their rules. I know they have been on a big kick to cleanse the organization lately. Does it upset you that they are doing this? I promise it's not the end of the world, it just may help put some closure to your fade.
evolution talk
by googlemagoogle init's surprising how much competence and knowledge a fellow brother needs to have on a topic to have a public talk about it on stage... .
sunday morning, i pop in right after the song (i always do... i hate singing klingon melodies).
the talk already started.
It always bothers me when they do the whole "book we know is true" lines about the Bible. Did it ever occur to them that some random old dudes made most of that crap up. They talk about all the inconsitencies in the Evolution theory, while failing to realize the Bible has a lot more. Just because it's old doesn't mean it's right.
Are there benefits to DAing Yourself?
by zenpunk ini've been away from this board for a really long time, since then i've made huge progress in my recovery from life in the jw world thanks to some professional help.
now i am at the point where i just don't want to be anywhere near anyone remotely associated with the organization.
my parents no longer speak to my husband and i, but when i do have to interact with my jw inlaws i feel incredibly sick.
I DA'd after being out for two years. I got sick of being even remotely associated with them. It also helped to bring a certain amount of closure. I knew that from then on I could stop thinking about my old life and start working on my new life. My wife was more passive about it, but that's because she wasn't born a JW and had a much easier time leaving it behind.
I went in and handed it to them personally. It helped to take that one last look to see what I wasn't missing. It helped me confirm I had made the right choice as they all stared at me like the anti-Christ had arrived. As I left it brought a smile to my face and a large dark chapter of my life had ended. If people you always knew treat you like crap now, I say F..k them. They are the hypocrites, not you. You will make new friends and a new life. The benefits far outweigh the consequences. Best of luck to you.