I do not find a lot of disagreement with you. I really do not care that much about which man or what race was responsible for the history of this country. I am greatly offended however when I start hearing the PC garbage about "dead white Europeans" who only took advantage of some poor innocent people and got rich doing it.
There is NO innocent culture in human history. All nations and peoples have waged war on other people and have taken land, property, slaves, etc. from the defeated peoples.
The PC mantra for several decades now has been to demonize ALL white men, especially if they are also Christian and if they are "straight" that adds to the permissability of attacking them. That group, the white, Christian, straight, man is probably the only group that can be openly attacked without fear of reprisal.
While I feel that I am somewhat alone in my speaking up, I do not intend to let attacks and charges go unchallenged by whatever group or whatever purpose is promoted in those attacks.
I believe that most thinking people really know there are other sides to the claims of being "helddown", "downtrodden", "underpriviledged", etc. Some use such retoric simply to gain some kind of advantage without having to work for it.
Then there are the race "prostitutes" who build fortunes by advancing racial divisions and tensions. I wont name them, we all know who they are.
While you may cite people who promoted good ideas before the founding fathers of this country, I think that the earliest source of those ideas can be traced to the Christian bible. It is true that many atrocities were done by some claiming to be Christian. I think probably you would find atrocities also done by some in other religions.
While this country certainly has a very spotted past I still think it is the greatest country to ever exist and I do not see anything constructive in the constant attacks on either the country or the founders.
When I see some of the race prostitutes on TV attacking this country I would just like for some courageous TV reporter to ask them what country they think is doing a better job, and, if there is one, why do they not prefer to live there.
"Without knowledge there can be no genuine faith--only superstition on the one hand or speculation on the other" Robert Banks