Way to go! I'm sure you will be much happier.
I have a cousin and a friend who both da'd themselves via email and it was no problem. My cousin tried to da herself via text message and they wouldn't accept that, but they did accept the email.
and i feel good!
it was a long time coming.
i stopped going to meetings june 09. the reason i left it so long is because my husband is still in and for this reason i see witnesses from time to time.
Way to go! I'm sure you will be much happier.
I have a cousin and a friend who both da'd themselves via email and it was no problem. My cousin tried to da herself via text message and they wouldn't accept that, but they did accept the email.
[click here for a little history...].
mission accomplished!
my wife and i held off the announcement and were able to attend my bil's wedding & reception this past weekend.
Glad it's working out for you buddy. You and the Mrs and the kiddos will be much happier. I look forward to seeing all of you eventually :)
i though it might be interesting to start a thread asking ones here to share their memories of the last 3-5 individuals (families) that were contacted via d-to-d, started to study, and all the way to baptism.
let's see if we see a pattern :-).
here's my recolection:.
1. married couple with two young children. Husband had good job and the family was considered well-off in our small town. Husband is very intelligent. Wife is neurotic and will blindly follow anybody anywhere. Husband is now an elder. I actually suspect they will apostatize someday. He's too intelligent and independent minded to stay in forever.
2. Young married woman with an addiction problem and two small children. Had Witness family but never really listened to them. Still very active.
3. Young single woman with a job but no real attachments to family. I am not sure what became of her.
4. slightly odd married couple. the wife was somewhat older then the husband. the couple was active for a short while then disassociated themselves. They are now deeply, crazily Evangelical.
5. A divorced woman and her teenage daughter, joined shortly by the widowed grandmother. Last I knew they were all regular pioneers.
These may or may not be the last five chronologically, they're just the last five I remember that came in from being contacted door to door.
anyone have a good read of the ypa article on homosexuality?.
is it just me or is the doctrine becoming more lenient and less dogmatic?.
I have not read this article, but in my personal experience I have found that many individual witnesses have softened their attitudes toward gays and lesbians. I am openly gay and not disfellowshipped. I faded and then came out. While some Witnesses totally shun me, most of those that I see now are always very friendly. My Witness family treats me respectfully and is actually quite accepting of my lifestyle. Of course I know that they don't truly approve, but I appreciate their kindness anyway.
The fact that when I was six my mom took me to the Goodwill and bought me an old purse to carry magazines in for field service.
my 78 year old great-uncle is very ill and is expected to pass away within the next couple of days.
he has been being receiving chemo for a few weeks (which he appeared to be responding to), but then he developed severe pneumonia and then had a massive heart attack a few days ago.
he now has a blood infection, and his liver and kidneys have quit functioning.
My 78 year old great-uncle is very ill and is expected to pass away within the next couple of days. He has been being receiving chemo for a few weeks (which he appeared to be responding to), but then he developed severe pneumonia and then had a massive heart attack a few days ago. He now has a blood infection, and his liver and kidneys have quit functioning. He has been on ventilator for several days and a balloon device of some sort has been making his heart beat. The doctors recommended to my aunt this morning that they shut down all the machines as there is apparently no hope of recovery.
Uncle Bill and Aunt Bess have been Witnesses since the 1950s and Uncle "Bill" served as an elder for many years. Their children are not witnesses; their daughter has been disfellowshipped since 1980. They have never shunned her. A couple of years ago they started associating fairly extensively with me as well (I am not disfellowshipped, but I am faded and openly live a life contrary to witness standards)--having me over for meals, inviting me camping, and once even having me meet them at a hall project site so that we could go to lunch (for which they were counseled). Uncle Bill was removed as an elder last year due to his association with disfellowshipped and non-witness family. He and Aunt Bess were disinvited from the KH building crew as well.
They did not stop associating with us; even last night Aunt Bess told me that Uncle Bill wishes he could have spent more time with me. They do, however, remain otherwise very devout and have remained very active Witnesses. Their congregation, despite the fact Bill was removed as en elder, is very good to them and has taken amazing care of them during Bill's illness. I am impressed.
Bill will be having a Witness funeral. I love him and his wife, my grandmother, my mom and most of my other Witness family. I do not want to disrespect them and I want to be there for them, especially Aunt Bess and my grandma. However, the last Witness funeral I went to was horrible. It was for my great-aunt Layla, a very wonderful woman who was a devout Witness for many years. Her funeral was used as an occasion to lecture her inactive and disfellowshipped family members and to basically have a membership drive for the local congregation. It was so bad that even my witness family (including Uncle Bill and Aunt Bess and my grandma) were offended; my grandmother even called the elder who presided over the service a "pompous ass." She was right and I am proud that she had the courage to say it.
So, do I go to Uncle Bill's funeral out of love for him and my family? Or do I spare myself the frustration and stay home? If I do skip, how do I handle it graciously so as not to add further sadness to Aunt Bess and my gandma?
Sorry for the long post; I'm a bit long-winded and I wanted to give the full backstory.
in case anyone's interested but unaware of my family's case up to this point, here's the original thread:.
so the elders requested a follow-up meeting last week but we were unable to meet at their set time and told them as much.
Haha SBC--service with your grandma was always an experience...
I hate the situation you're in right now. And I hate the situation your parents are in as well. I know how much they love you and I can only imagine what all of this is doing to your mom. It makes me sad/mad that they are forced to choose.
in case anyone's interested but unaware of my family's case up to this point, here's the original thread:.
so the elders requested a follow-up meeting last week but we were unable to meet at their set time and told them as much.
The idea of a manifesto is a good one. While a lot of people will immediately toss it, I'm sure you'd be surprised at how many will actually look it over out of curiosity if they think no one will see them. It may sow a seed of doubt that will germinate at a later time.
do you hate them?
do you feel bad for them?
do you not give a crap about them anymore??
I sometimes miss being a Witness. My life is good now and everything, but I miss so many people and sometimes I miss the structured life. But only sometimes. I actually like most witness people. The organization I view just as I view all other religions. I don't hate it, but I hate some of things it does. I actually defend JW's when people say false things about them, but I don't make excuses for them and their wrongdoings.
The poster above who said you can never really get away from it is right. I've been out for 8 years and definitely don't want to go back, but I still think about it all the time. I even find myself looking up Kingdom Halls when I visit a new city. I probably just need therapy LOL
i read a similar thread concerning scars that a boy got from and alligator and from his loving mother and how that was related to scars in our life from satan and god (jehovah).
reading this and other threads here that shows how witnesses use material from "babylon the great" for spiritual uplifting made me think of an couple of experiences my wife shared with me during her field service.. .
one experience was when she was out in service with her dad.
I was actually talking to my sister a few minutes ago and she told me she once reported the sister to the elders for taking worldly literature---we were such self-righteous little jerks :(
To answer your question, I talked to many preachers and preacher wives and some of them actually took the magazines on a regular basis, but none of them ever told me they used them in their churches.