The New England Patriots Going for their third Super Bowl Title in 4 years.
I love you all.
the new england patriots going for their third super bowl title in 4 years.. go patriots!.
i love you all.
The New England Patriots Going for their third Super Bowl Title in 4 years.
I love you all.
free your minds!.
root for new england!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i love you all!
Free your minds!
Root For New England!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you all!
please explain to everyone what's going on with all those non jw's showing love and caring support for all those effected by the tsunami.
country putting down guns and trading them for helping hands.
what kind of god would snuff out all those people for doing that?.
Thanks for the warm welcome kls!
please explain to everyone what's going on with all those non jw's showing love and caring support for all those effected by the tsunami.
country putting down guns and trading them for helping hands.
what kind of god would snuff out all those people for doing that?.
Please explain to everyone what's going on with all those non JW's showing love and caring support for all those effected by the Tsunami. Country putting down Guns and trading them for helping hands. What kind of God would snuff out all those people for doing that?
Or Is the almighty Jehovah right now still Saying, "Pray to me and me alone or feel the wrath of my Power!"
Why does he what his followers to think about Doom and gloom rather then Hope and Love for all?
And why are all your goals made to make all your followers feel guilty when they can't do anymore. What's with the scowls? Where is happiness? And the Shunning of those in Exile? Parents turning their backs on their Children? What the F*ck?
Oh and hey, Got me one of those Green Books off Ebay. "Pay attention to yourself..." Be honest with your followers. If Most JW's had a copy there would be far less disfellowships happening. Most of those rules in there contradict what you tell those getting the Boot.
Peace and love
we often talk about unconditional love on the forum.. how our parents and members of our congregation only love, conditionally,and we condemm them.. but does god love us unconditionally, ive come to the conclusuion he doesnt so why are we surprised when his followers dont either.. so whos to blame, the witness who want to do everything by the "book" and feel there pleasing god regardless of the pain it causes them,or is it god himself who expects more than we can posssible do.
one day i believe and want to believe in him the next minute i dont.. when he looked down on the events of these last few days, did he feel sorrow for all those people who lost there lives.
was he proud of all us humans, flocking to help them, with money, volunteers and more important empathy for our fellow man who are suffering?.
The God I belive in does. He created this masterpiece of a planet. Sure some bads things happen like the tsunami but look how the people responded. Nation putting aside hate and differences to help each other. This is the hope I'm sure he/she expects out of us all.
I see god doing the big bang thing with the universe, he's got time on his hands and lets it form for about 5 billions years, kicks back and enjoys his creation. And with this He said let the chips fall where they may. It makes for a more interesting show. AS for evolution. God is too smart just to poof out 2 people. He would take a bolt of lightning, hit the pre-historic seas full of molocules and elements and then enjoy watching life form. Only God could creat something as amazing as that.
2000+ years ago mankind wasn't bright enough to grasp that.
i am really grasping for words.. .
you may remember the thread about the watchtower sites ignoring the south asian disaster:
yesterday, they updated their website .
since when has the JW's gave a crap about others? This is news to me. You would think thoses elders would be jumping for joy seeing such distruction and suffering.
what percentage of jw's do you think would be happy to wake up tomorrow and honestly see all the people dying and everything else that goes along with armageddon as they've been taught?.
on the other hand, how many use the religion/belief as a way to feel superior to others and would never really want to see all that suffering or perhaps just wouldn't want to do the clean-up work after?
i guess a third question is warranted, based on their teachings...... how many hope they die a natural death and will be resurrected after all the nasty sh*t goes down?
I really don't think you ever have to worry about it happening. no one on this planet is better then another. Your mind has been feed to many lies by the Elders. If anyone who sure be punished is them for putting all those fears into you and forcing you to shun family and friends in exile.
A true God is never angry and vengful.
See the world and open your eyes and mind.
This may sound funny but I've seen many supportive post in the Pearl Jam Synergy Board. A very close friend went through what you did and found great comfort among the people there.
the light faded for me when i was twelve.
i asked my uncle what happened to all the people who couldn't be reached by the "truth" in far off lands, or little kids whose parents didn't believe...ect... "would they still die in armagedon?
" he answered yes, and from there on, whether it was bs or not, i couldn't believe.
God, some of these storys what to make me cry. You all as children should never have ever been made to feel scared or guilty for any of that. How often do JW's turn their back to people who were once friends?
when i first met my wife, she was not a jw.
i was baptized at the age of 12. to make a long story short, some of the other youths in the congregation followed my lead and took non jw boyfriends and girlfriends.
well the brothers decided to point me out specifically as i was the only one who cared.
You Evil Evil Person for showing love towards another person. How dare you think on your own!!
The rest of the world welcomes you with open arms and truely see you as a kind and caring human being.