A CO who told a six-year old she was going to die at Armageddon if she couldn't sit still during the meetings.
What a sick and twisted statement
i remember when i was new in the "troof", i was walking in a mall and a jw window washer saw me, and asked, "what are you doing here"?.
yeah, he had a good reason to be at the mall, cause he was washing windows, but i had no business there.... i guess he thought that i was being seduced by material stuff.... and i was stupid enough, not to tell him, mind your own business fu**er....
A CO who told a six-year old she was going to die at Armageddon if she couldn't sit still during the meetings.
What a sick and twisted statement
i remember when i was new in the "troof", i was walking in a mall and a jw window washer saw me, and asked, "what are you doing here"?.
yeah, he had a good reason to be at the mall, cause he was washing windows, but i had no business there.... i guess he thought that i was being seduced by material stuff.... and i was stupid enough, not to tell him, mind your own business fu**er....
"All of your husband's bad habits will be gone in the new system"
i remember when i was new in the "troof", i was walking in a mall and a jw window washer saw me, and asked, "what are you doing here"?.
yeah, he had a good reason to be at the mall, cause he was washing windows, but i had no business there.... i guess he thought that i was being seduced by material stuff.... and i was stupid enough, not to tell him, mind your own business fu**er....
I was told to wait for the new system to have my own home!
i always assume that people with real pics for their avatars are pics of that poster.
obviously that's not always the case.
i'm curious about whose pic is really them.
<--------------Yes, it's me--ow!
about a week ago i had my little meeting with "the bobs" (yuk yuk), and i got the whole thing digitally recorded.
it's available online, along with a written transcript here...
Russell: Well I—I'm out of words. I only have so many words per day, and I've used 'em up. So have a great evening.
Exactly how many words are we alloted for one day? HMMMMMMMM.....................
Stupid control freaks--they never had any intention of "helping" you!
i had to put my dog to sleep today.
she was 12 years old and got beyound help last night.
it was sad.. my daughter and the dog, coco.. ken p..
hey everyone!.
wow, i am amazed.
about 3 months ago, i finally became nauseated about going to the meetings and i went from attending each one, to attending zero.
I live in a small town and have not heard a peep from an elder in the past 1 1/2 years. I went to the memorial last spring and had a sister come up to me and say something like "please come back" or "don't give up". She's not a personal friend of mine and I have not heard from her since!
I was in a store with my husband and had a sister walk away while I was talking to her! My husband was so shocked! Of course, he gave her the "she's a bitch to begin with" excuse!
our friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
One of my greatest fears is to receive a phone call like you did. I wish I had magic words to make you feel better, but I know that nothing will make you feel better. I will be thinking about you.
Love, Calico
you may before your emperor !!!!!
Congratulations! (I am not worthy to be in your presence)
one of my cd holders that hold 92 cds is gone.. all that time, money and work.
i am about halfway thru my third book.
im sick about it.
Someone stole my towels from the laundromat--get this--I had left because there was a tornado warning!