JoinedPosts by calico
Introducing myself
by skyking ini was raised a jw, third generation.
grampa was a congregation servant and then elder, my dad was an elder for years.
i made it up the ranks fast, you were not anybody if you did not become an elder, i was appointed at an early age.
guidlines for dress and grooming as laid out by CO
by bluebeads inso the co visited my cong and at the ms and elders meeting the brothers were told that those wiht parts on the platforms must not have sideburns, mustaches, beards or shaved heads because it is worldly.
as well bright colorful dress shirts are not permitted eother because it distracts from the "important message" of the talk.
there was also heavy counsel on tattoos.. on a totally different topic, i was talking to my mom the other day and she was going on about how free she would be in paradise.
So, it's ok for a black man to be ethnic and have a shaved head--but a black woman cannot have braids because it is too ethnic!
I think braids are beautiful and I have known sisters who have had it done--I don't think they were picked on for it--probably depends on the congregation you attend.
If I went back would I get DF'd because I married an non-JW?
by HalfWayThere ini'm getting married in a couple of weeks and my mother is under alot of pressure not to go because i've been living with my fiance.
my 3 jw sisters are not attending the wedding and i feel that my mum will be under continued pressure not to have contact with me after the wedding.
so i'm thinking of a plan... what if i went back to the meetings just so that my mum can feel 'ok' about having contact with me and so she can tell my sisters to back off.
Since you are baptized, they could disfellowship you for living with your fiancee whether you go back to the meetings or not!
If I went back would I get DF'd because I married an non-JW?
by HalfWayThere ini'm getting married in a couple of weeks and my mother is under alot of pressure not to go because i've been living with my fiance.
my 3 jw sisters are not attending the wedding and i feel that my mum will be under continued pressure not to have contact with me after the wedding.
so i'm thinking of a plan... what if i went back to the meetings just so that my mum can feel 'ok' about having contact with me and so she can tell my sisters to back off.
Aren't you under enough stress getting ready for your wedding? Why take a chance on the trouble the elders could cause you if you went back now.
What really pissed me off is when they would admonish our kids before they talked to us.
This happened to me, too. What right did they have to talk to my child without talking to me first?!
Name Things JWs Try To "Demonize"
by minimus inthe witnesses are always trying to scare the faithful by telling them that if they don't adhere to the teachings and lifestyle of the brotherhood-----that bad things are going to happen to them.
for example, they might tell you of brother regret who left the "truth", had "fun" in the "world" and then got aids.
now he's back in the "truth" but he only has months to live................can you think of other examples of how the witnesses try to spook the rank and file?
Demons on Board'' ?
I love this one!
Car boot sales sound like fun--we should do that here!
by RichieRich inoh, so in the midst of everything else, college is goin well.. about 30 % of my high school graduating class came here, so its really just like high school part2.
i have 2 morning classes, and 2 night classes, so that way the majority of my schooling gets done on 2 days of the week instead of 4. last night was my first night in my english 111 class.
i already knew thaqt there was one witness in there, but its someone who i've kept up with, and someone who is cool with me, as i am.
Hmmmm...wonder why Jehoba and his holy spirit didn't protect her from the bad apostate?
Because she's in college!
When were you conceived? (fun site - more info than you want to know)
by Double Edge in.
i'm passing along this fun site: http://www.paulsadowski.com/birthday.asp .
just put in your birthday and it will tell you so much information about yourself that you never knew..... (check the read-out all the way to the bottom)
I'll have to show my husband that he was concieved before his parents were married!
Big announcement from the WT in September
by homme perdu inaccording to a very reliable source it will prove that we are very close to the end
And here is the proof, a statement with no scriptural support, expected to be believed because the F&D slave said so.
The destruction of “Babylon the Great” is fast approaching.
It makes me so angry when they start with the scare tactics--IDIOTS
PRAYING.... Is it the answer to eating disorders?
by Gill ini found that the article on 'young popele ask....do i have an eating disorder?
' in the awake magazine for october 2006 to have worrying advice in it.. apparantly the answer to this problem, according to the wtbts is prayer!
how did psychiatrists miss this for so long?.
'Christians should be sure that any treatment they pursue does not conflict with bible principles.'
This very statement is why family members of mine have not gotten the help they desparately need!