First time I've missed, too!
JoinedPosts by calico
by Warlock ini just thought of something.
this is my first memorial as a member of jwd.. the only thing i could muster up was a cup of coffee and a doughnut.. i'll be around the real stuff tonight.. warlock .
Shocking Baby Names
by horrible life inmy daughter and i were discussing jw doctrine, on the long trip home from skiing.
she is sooo glad she has a normal life.
we also discussed buzz words, and what jw's think about many things.
Jesse Belle
I just wanted to say I love you all and this is the love thread
by needproof infor a bit of sunday fluff, i wanted to post that i love every single one of you guys and girls.
please feel free to join me in sending love to all on jwd :)
Groovy--a love thread!
Hugs and kisses to all--you've all helped me more than you know!
Love, Calico
I just got back from my circuit assembly !
by 5go inok i have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things.
hear they are from a to z.
<----------- yep nothing.. .
The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall.
I'll have to test this!
As long as I have been around the witnesses, it has always been implied to not associate with inactive ones.
Update- My fade and the elders inaction
by OnTheWayOut inhere's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
The whole cult is were fake, I was fake, the talks were fake, the door to door "ministry" was a joke on wheels and the assemblies were nothing but giant rallies for Hitler.
Love--I understand why you made this statement, but it is hard to wrap my mind around it. While I don't believe I will ever go back, it's hard to accept that I spent the majority of my life in something that was fake. I think it has something to do with practically being raised in this religion--I was 9 when my parents started studying and I happily went along with what was being taught. I was the kind of child that was very worried about pleasing my parents--they were not hard on me, I guess it's just part of my personality!
My sister never wanted to accept this religion--she is a year younger--makes me feel like I was blind as a bat!
Update- My fade and the elders inaction
by OnTheWayOut inhere's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
While I am happy they weren't good shepherds, I have to
tell them "they should have been good shepherds." Since they weren't there for me "when I needed
guidance," I am on my own now, I'll tell them I will be fine, then cut back more.That is exactly how I feel--I think some of us still want proof of the "love" and it is very hard to accept that it is not really there.
If you tell them that they were not there for you when you needed guidance, they will just reply that you are the one who turned your back on Jehovah--it's your own fault.
I remember elders blaming me when I was having trouble making friends at a new congregation--it was always MY attitude and MY fault--they sure tore me down.
"Apostates end up bitter and angry"
by XBEHERE ini actually attended the bookstudy on friday, don't ask me why.
anyway the revelation book is being considered and we're at the paragraph where the congregation in ephesus is comended for "not bearing bad men.." apostates.. .
the comments from the ones attending were so baised and ignorant.
I recently watched one Witness tell another how he won't need to worry about his retirement, as Paradise is only ten months away. From all appearances, this old guy is hanging on by his fingernails.
Just an excuse to get out of helping his brother! Feel the love!
Update- My fade and the elders inaction
by OnTheWayOut inhere's the story in a nutshell.
i stepped aside as elder in a foreign language congregation with a resignation letter in august.. i cited doubts in doctrine concerning "this generation" and 1975, and also said i don't "know".
the governing body well enough to teach their doctrine.
OTWO - there seems to be two camps that post here. The ones who the elders called on and "encourage" them to return, they seem stressed because they were chased. Then you have the others that say that no one called on them to get them to come back, they seem upset that no one chased them.
We are lead to believe that we are dearly loved within this organization. I've heard that my whole life. So it is very confusing when no one from the congregation--especially elders--show any interest when you are not there. The first time I quit going to meetings was not with the intention of fading. When the elders did pay me a visit, it seemed that spending half an hour with me was killing them! Keep in mind, this elder had known me since I was a child and had given my wedding talk. He really did not know what to say when I asked him why I was not worth more than a half an hour of his time!
So, when you are intentionally fading you don't really want to deal with the elders, but in the back of your mind you are wondering why they don't love you enough to "save" you!
Internet warning
by mouthy inclick here: the real reasons why watchtower organization fears the internet
When we go to the Kingdom Hall, there is no question that we are with our brothers. We know them. No one requires authentication of this because the brotherly love manifested make it obvious. We are not personally required to provide credentials to prove that we are one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
This part got me--as if you can walk into a KH and completely trust everyone! Bull****!
Craig Ferguson says he won't be making fun of Britney...
by CaptainSchmideo inand here's why....
i like this guy.
he's a very funny guy, and he seems to be having more fun than letterman does.. .
It's one of my favorite shows! Craig is SO funny! ----and has a conscience!