I came away very impressed by the people there, and that the Church didn't care if people were members or not. How different the way they showed love was to that of Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought several times how 19 years ago I would have been condemning this church and these people for this. Shame on the Watchtower for teaching us to hate & condemn good people and innocent fun like this.
Many churches of different denominations in my area have meaningful events during the Hannukah/Christmas season.
The other night I went outside for some cool air. A baptist church I have never heard of had left a big basket full of food, fruit, treats, pens, socks, etc. on my front deck.
The only explanation I can think of is that one of their members has been treating me at a center for people with a particular life threatening disease.
2 of the RN's there are members of my church, so anything is possible.
The love and concern Christians show others, no matter what they believe proves who Jesus' real disciples are.
The Watchtower society condemns organizations like Second Harvest for having televised donation drives during Christmas.
Those Watchtower assholes don't stop to think that such organizations can operate an entire year on what those donations bring in while the Jehovah's Witnesses are hounded year round by the Watchtower for MORE. MORE, MORE $$$$.