What is the title of that masterfully designed video?
I want to show it to some people who have been recently contacted and coerced into a study with the only true Christians in the world.
has anyone watched the videos for children on jw.org?
i feel sick.. in one video a little girl dreams about paradise: the blind can see again, the deaf can hear again, and of course, she gets to hug a cute little panda cub.
not until the end of the video is her wheelchair revealed.
What is the title of that masterfully designed video?
I want to show it to some people who have been recently contacted and coerced into a study with the only true Christians in the world.
i just wondered.
i mean ok, the catholic church seems to make 'adjustments' more or less , by accepting previously held prejudices.
against certain things, like gays, or birth control, or rather tolerate it more, but is that a genuine change of doctrine?.
Mainline Protestants have believed the same doctrines since the Protestant Reformation in the early 16th century.
On the other hand, cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses are constantly changing their doctrines because they have a history of constantly going beyond Scripture.
democracy & freedom watch.
reporting on the state of georgian democracy.
If she had photocopied and shown some of the hatred towards other denominations that the 'faithless and diseased slackers' have printed over the years in the Watchtower magazine do you think she would have been criticized?
this was a service at a southern baptist church for the father of a teacher at my son's school.
we had developed a friendship with her over the past few years, and i had met her father, knew about his terminal illness, and i wanted to pay my respects.. i have to tell you, it was a better show than the average jw "ceremony".first, lots of personal tributes about the man they were memorializing.
uplifting stories, funny stories, serious stories, describing a real life individual that many in that room knew and were going to dearly miss.. lots of singing!
Captain Schmideo, the first nonJW memorial service I attended blew me away because it was not an infomercial for the 'faithless and diseased slobbers' and the deceased was actually remembered (memorialized) and not with just a sentence or two bragging how many years he had pioneered or served as an elder.
The one thing that struck a sour note with me was the assertion that was made by one of the ministers (twice) was that if anyone in the audience was not a "Christian", they needed to be prepared for a destination after death that was not nearly as fun and joyful as the deceased had just moved onto. And of course, I am sure that "Christian" meant "Southern Baptist".
As a member of the Southern Baptist Convention I can assure you that Christian does not mean Southern Baptist. It means a follower of Christ. The original Greek word was a phrase that means "Little Christs" and was used by nonbelievers as a demeaning and derogatory phrase.
I have a friend who was a Jehovah's Witness but left the cult arfter she was saved one night talking on the phone to one orf her Christian friends. She became a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. A few years later she joined the Catholic church because she liked the worship services' rigid structure and had been familiar with a religion that incorporates a rigid structure in everything for all of her life until she became a Christian.
She is still a Christian because denomination doesn't matter to a Christian. The only difference in Christian denominations is the methods they use in their worship services. FYI, the Methodist denomination was named after the method of worship that John Wesley with his brother Charles Wesley and fellow clergyman George Whitfield founded which is known as Methodism.
The message is the same - salvation by grace through faith in Jesus, not from works.
It's really nice that you paid your respects to your teacher friend's father.
i work about a block from the local kh and i notice there was no jw.org sign on it.
i said to my wife are they not following the cults rules on this.
will just yesterday as i was driving home from work there it was on the corner of the kh sign jw.org it was about 1 foot x 1 foot in size.
One of my friends who is a having a sometimes 'Bible' Study with a uberdub pioneer (until I show her some of the JW's craziness in their own opublications which she shows to the braindead JW and the study stops until the JW needs to make her hours for the month) told me about the JW.ORG sign at the kingdom hall about 2 miles from her home.
Her words, "Those people are nuts!."
do jehovahs witnesses fulfil matthew 24:14?.
one of the most used verses amongst jws is matthew 24:14 .no other denomination has preached the good news of the kingdom with the intensity that witnesses have around the globe.surely this must be the actual fulfillment of matthew 24:14 ,or is it ?
this posts considers the reason why the preaching of the news performed by jehovah's witnesses today is a false sign .let me know what you think.
They preach a fake second coming of Jesus in 1914.
They preach a fake appointment of the Jehovah's Witnesses (AKA International Bible students association) in 1919.
They preach an angel Messiah as they vehemently deny John 1:1, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1 and John 20:28.
They preach lies with their twisted interpretation of Acts 15:29 and have murdered thousands of people with it.
No, the false prophet Jehovah's Witnesses do not fulfill Matthew 24:14.
But they do fulfill these Scriptures:
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves.
You’ll recognize them by their fruit.
Matthew 7:15-16
Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
Matthew 24:11
the michael brown tragedy has garnered a lot of attention in the media recently highlighted.
by the recent county court decision to not indict the lone officer who did the shooting which caused the death of micheal brown.. .. now after more information of the event has been released openly to the public, we can evaluate upon are self.
in are own opinion toward was the law handed out in this particular event proportionately fair or to a professional standard ?.
At the press conference with Mr. Brown's parents that violent, riot inciting, criminal masquerading as Reverend Al Sharpton stood beside them with a smug look on his evil face.
Reverend Al Sharpton is one of the most, vile and indecent excuses for a human being walking on the face of the earth today.
the michael brown tragedy has garnered a lot of attention in the media recently highlighted.
by the recent county court decision to not indict the lone officer who did the shooting which caused the death of micheal brown.. .. now after more information of the event has been released openly to the public, we can evaluate upon are self.
in are own opinion toward was the law handed out in this particular event proportionately fair or to a professional standard ?.
Simon says:
" The people using this incident as an excuse for committing violence and destruction should be arrested and prosecuted."
Damn right.
This incidence is turning America upside down with unlawful assemblies, rioting, looting, destruction of property and other evil aqcts.
the michael brown tragedy has garnered a lot of attention in the media recently highlighted.
by the recent county court decision to not indict the lone officer who did the shooting which caused the death of micheal brown.. .. now after more information of the event has been released openly to the public, we can evaluate upon are self.
in are own opinion toward was the law handed out in this particular event proportionately fair or to a professional standard ?.
Mr. Brown attacked the officer, injured him, tried to grab his gun and forced the police officer to send Mr. Brown's evil, thieving ass to probably a very unpleasnt meeting with Jesus.
Mr. Brown deserved what he received.
If more of these thugs received the same treatment the crime rate would definitely decrease.
I say kill 'em all and let God sort it out.
i work for a mental health unit with 2 police officers we deal with people who have drug and mental health issues.
at times over the last 10 years we have "taken down" some large drug affected men, mainly "ice" these days which is epidemic here, and let me tell you even with three of us it is a huge struggle.
sometimes back up is needed or mace spray which is aweful stuff!
I have nothing but respect for these guys. Thanks to all Police officers on duty to keep the streets safe.
Yes, indeed.
They put their lives on the line every day.