So im at the meeting after its over and this elder says to me that God needs my voice because he, the elder, feels that my singing is not loud enough. I did not tell him this, but singing just is not my thing. He then went on saying how gods people are better singers than "the worlds singers". The elder asked me who I thought was a good singer and i told him i thought michael jackson had a magnificent voice. Then he asked me: "What if michael Jackson sung lies about your mother in his music. Would you not be upset?" After I told him of course he went on a rant about how christendom and churches sing lies about God and jesus, and that the Worst sounding voice in the congregation is better than the singers of the world in jehovahs eyes. Now what does everyone here think about this and are there any similar experiences?
He is a classic example of elders who have been drinking too much Watchtower kool aid.
What an idiot.