Do not know how to post pictures in the main body of my message, but my profile pic is of Darcy who is 9 months old next week!!!
Britty xxx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
okay, this is my cat, she is an african serval, and a lot of cat to handle.. fred: eat your heart out!
Do not know how to post pictures in the main body of my message, but my profile pic is of Darcy who is 9 months old next week!!!
Britty xxx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hello to everyone of course.... i am particularly interested in contacting any gay ex jws in the sydney, australia area....for support and socializing..... love the humour you all have...i have just returned from the united states.. mark b
Hi Mark!
Brett here! How is Terry?
Brett xx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hey posters!.
i decided that seeing as though i was unfairly left out of the flame wars... my name was not mentioned... no not even once... and i gather this was because i have not harrassed anyone on this board!
soooo this morning i started emailing a few of the ladies sexually harrassing them... this i found to be a long winded process so i figured it would be easier to post a communal post that sexually harrasses all the ladies in the forum!!!!.
You know Timmy, after you wait so long to get on the ride, I don't mind where I am.
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hey posters!.
i decided that seeing as though i was unfairly left out of the flame wars... my name was not mentioned... no not even once... and i gather this was because i have not harrassed anyone on this board!
soooo this morning i started emailing a few of the ladies sexually harrassing them... this i found to be a long winded process so i figured it would be easier to post a communal post that sexually harrasses all the ladies in the forum!!!!.
Humour? What humour? I am being serious... You lady's tits look mighty fine from where I am sitting!!!
Britty ;)
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hey posters!.
i decided that seeing as though i was unfairly left out of the flame wars... my name was not mentioned... no not even once... and i gather this was because i have not harrassed anyone on this board!
soooo this morning i started emailing a few of the ladies sexually harrassing them... this i found to be a long winded process so i figured it would be easier to post a communal post that sexually harrasses all the ladies in the forum!!!!.
Can I have a ride then?
(Starting to sexually harrass the men!)
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hey posters!.
i decided that seeing as though i was unfairly left out of the flame wars... my name was not mentioned... no not even once... and i gather this was because i have not harrassed anyone on this board!
soooo this morning i started emailing a few of the ladies sexually harrassing them... this i found to be a long winded process so i figured it would be easier to post a communal post that sexually harrasses all the ladies in the forum!!!!.
Hey posters!
Right. I decided that seeing as though I was unfairly left out of the flame wars... my name was not mentioned... no not even ONCE... and I gather this was because I have not harrassed anyone on this board! Soooo this morning I started emailing a few of the ladies SEXUALLY HARRASSING them... this I found to be a long winded process so I figured it would be easier to post a communal post that sexually harrasses ALL the ladies in the forum!!!!
"Hey Ladies, your tits look MIGHTY fine in those tie-ite tops!"
Britty xx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
Hi All
A bit of a touchy subject. I have had the week from hell... I have a bad chest infection and have not been well for sometime (as some of you here know). My GP suggested an HIV test as beng Gay I am a high risk... I agreed and had one. Waiting for the result was the toughest scariest time of my life. I have been in a monogomous relationship for a year now and have ALWAYS been safe before that. HOWEVER doubt creeps in and I did not sleep all week. As some of you also know my partner is a Doctor, if I was postive it would be the end of his career. I am planning to go to University this year and become a teacher... if it was positive that would most likely be the end of that... My GP was WONDERFUL and supportive. I had the test yesterday morning and was due to get the result this morning (Friday). She moved heaven and earth for me to get the result by last night. She phoned me at 6pm with the news that I was HIV NEGATIVE!!!!! The relief I felt and am feeling cannot be expressed in this post... by yesterday afternoon I had convinced myself I had full blown AIDS and would be dead by the end of the year and Matt would be condemned to a death sentance... his career in tatters...
Wooooo Hooooo I intend to get VERY VERY drunk tonight!
Just wanted to share that with you all and that is why I have been "quiet" on the board all week!
Britty xxxx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
hello friends,.
i thought this might interst you:.
the wts is a regular visitor of watchtower information service, in the definition of the watchtower, an apostate website (screenshots of site statistics that proof the visits of the wts are shown in the article)!.
Wooo Hooo let them snoop! I aint worried about it... what is the worse they can do? Damn us to everlasting cutting off in.... ummm ... 2014... or um.... 2075...
Perhaps they will learn something from Apostate sites... my guess would be that they are VERY senior Dubs who are buried deep in the borg or Dubs who are aware of all the bullshit within the borg and are nothing less than Spin Doctors!! As Kylie so aptly put it, "Better the Devil you know"
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
february 2002 issue of the american lawyer .
supreme advocacy: church of free speech, by tony mauro.
god doesn't have an interest in that.
Pandora, when pioneering in South Africa we encountered many doors with "NO VISITS FROM JW's" signs... we were trained on how to handle these! I see them here in the UK too. My inlaws have one!!
But everyone, we must remember that should they lose this case and at anytime be restricted from doing house to house bothering, then it will be the sign from Jah that the "Ark doors are closed"!!! Anything negative has a positive spin put on it! The WTBTS bosses should be spin doctors for "New" Labour... they would be in power forever!!!
Britty xx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"
there's one sure-fire way to tip off your jw friends and family that you're leaning apostate.... just stop insisting on calling jehovah "jehovah" all the time.
call him "god" more often.
talk about raised eyebrows and mumbled conversations over in the corner!
Just say the Lord's Prayer at a meeting... why does that prayer freak them so much?!!!
Or the Monty Python one:
"Oh Lord who are so Huge
So huge we can't see you...etc"
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"