Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tim Hortons!
Make mine a Double Double and a honey crueller.
i for a while discounted the reports that suggested there were stern warnings against bringing in outside food and drink into the conventions.
but this email exchange from a few of my relatives concerning tim horton's coffee, which is a basic staple for the dub ministry in canada, shows that they don't mind adding any more regulations to their already extensive list!
(so far, i'm still on their email list) .
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tim Hortons!
Make mine a Double Double and a honey crueller.
for those of you that regularly went and never stayed home sick, etc.
how did it feel when you first started staying home from meetings?
was it weird watching shows on tv you always missed, or not having to worry about rushing dinner to make it on time.
For me it was more the first meeting I went BACK to after not being for months that freaked me out.
Long story short... after leaving Bethel I had every intention of continuing as a Reg Pioneer... I was house sitting for a JW family when I left Bethel and ended up having sex in a hot tub with another young brother. I knew then there was no going back. I had crossed a line and that was the end of my JW life. I attended one more meeting and felt the weight of guilt on my shoulders... especially when he walked in and chatted away to all and sundry, myself included, as if NOTHING had happened. I simply STOPPED going to meetings. This was in February 1995. I agreed to attend the memorial with my folks that year and I felt so weird... I remember listening to the talk and passing the bread and wine thinking how bizarre this ritual was... That was the last meeting I ever attended... well, until a few years ago when I went along as a wind up..... but that's a WHOLE other controversial story told on these VERY boards some 4 years ago!!!!!
well, for those going i thought i would include an item that can be used to spread apostate ideas to those who are hard of hearing..
find out what frequency the convention is using to broadcast and simply tune this circuit to that frequency.
make a small "apostate" tape that possibly loops and plug the headphone jack of your walkman or mp3 player into the jack of this circuit and watch the fun.
Better than Apostate messages, why not get some old man with a chilling, powerful voice to announce that he is JEEEEEEEEE-HOVAH and to hit the deck as Armageddon is arriving in 10...9...8...6...7... etc and watch the panic confessions!!!
how long will it be before the wt sets up a theme park.
with all that money from the sale of brooklyn property it would be a shame not to use it for some other cash generating scheme.
we could have the hall of the presidents with robotic figures all driven by hot air.. why not the beth sareem experience.
Ooooh oooooooooh ooooooooooooooooh and the Shun the Apostate Terror House... where apostate animatronic characters try to talk to and you have to avoid them and "Treat them as if they are DEAD" to get to the other side!!!
Along the way you get to spot fellow witnesses commiting "sins", blab to the elder at the end and win free entry into the afore mentioned Everlasting Life Ride!!!
how long will it be before the wt sets up a theme park.
with all that money from the sale of brooklyn property it would be a shame not to use it for some other cash generating scheme.
we could have the hall of the presidents with robotic figures all driven by hot air.. why not the beth sareem experience.
A petting zoo, complete with full grown lions eating grass that little girls wearing cardigans can go pet!
And the "Experience Everlasting Life" ride. Where families (black families on one side, white families on the other... the chinese child is petting the lions) wearing cardigans can pick fruit, smile robotically and praise Jehovah all day.... everyday.... forever and ever.... and ever.... this rise is open all year round.
early sunday morning, around 1:30 a.m., my wife wakes me and says that she can't sleep and needs to talk with me.
i say ok and she proceeds to tell me that she wants a seperation.
i was hurt, but not shocked, because our relationship is not that close at this point after 14 yrs of marriage.
I wonder if the minds of the GB are regulated by the Holy Spirit. But how can she divorce you anyway if you haven't committed adultery or ill treated her? It sounds like the cult is again at work trying to destroy a good marriage.
Is apostasy grounds for divorce?
early sunday morning, around 1:30 a.m., my wife wakes me and says that she can't sleep and needs to talk with me.
i say ok and she proceeds to tell me that she wants a seperation.
i was hurt, but not shocked, because our relationship is not that close at this point after 14 yrs of marriage.
Best of luck enlightenedcynic
Be true to yourself. Maybe one day your wife will realise her MONSTROUS error.
Brit xx
just a quick message to thank everybody for the outpouring of support in response to my very first post on this site.
i came here only expecting one or two replies at most, and could not possibly have anticipated so much more.
the encouragement i have found meant more to me than the final two or three years of indifference and unconcern encountered among my so-called 'brothers' at the kingdom hall.. i shared this experience with my therapist on wednesday and could not stop crying as i explained to her just what it means to be a jw 'castaway' (rootless and seemingly without a friend in the world) who has found hope and understanding in an online community of people who seem to have been there all along--through the same long years of deceit, hypocrisy, anguish and alienation from the world around.
I've been where you are now. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Brit xxx
i entered a competition at school set by the british council and teachers tv.
the prize was for 4 teachers to visit their link school anywhere in the world, and be filmed for a programme for teachers tv.. i won!!!.
our link school is in kenya.
Oh blimey I'm sittin 'ere readin all this and actually understandit. I do.I think I've been thinking to long this week about Brits and Scots
But you are Canadian and no doubt addicted to the Coronation Street Omnibus on Sunday, so it's expected of you!
i entered a competition at school set by the british council and teachers tv.
the prize was for 4 teachers to visit their link school anywhere in the world, and be filmed for a programme for teachers tv.. i won!!!.
our link school is in kenya.
britboy, don't worry about it...just purchse some large, tropical shirts, some shorts and a panama hat. You'll be fine. Men can always get away with a few extra pounds anyhow. The cookies sound divine. I don't even have any graham crackers around here.
It's like feeding time at the Hungry Hippo. Fill that trough up and stand back... I'm a coming through!