You will be just in time to see our leaves turn all those beautiful colors of reds, oranges, yellows!!
Bring your camera, you will get some great shots!!
I can't wait! TRULY cannot wait!!!!
oh my god.
i am so excited.
we're going to visit vermont and quebec city this time.
You will be just in time to see our leaves turn all those beautiful colors of reds, oranges, yellows!!
Bring your camera, you will get some great shots!!
I can't wait! TRULY cannot wait!!!!
oh my god.
i am so excited.
we're going to visit vermont and quebec city this time.
Dams, no this is like my 10th trip to Canada... I ADORE your country!
Kwin, the reason why is this... by the time I have cleared customs and immigration and picked up my luggage, that's an hour (at least) gone. Then I need to get from one terminal to another. etc etc. So in all honesty, to get my friends to drive 3 hrs to TO to collect me, then 3 hrs back sitting in peak travel, I can laze at the airport for a couple hours with some 'postates eating Tim Bits.. then hop on another plane and 45 minutes later touch down in Kingston, meet my friends, be at their house 15 minutes later and have a LARGE Mt Gay & Diet Coke with fresh Lime.... sounds good to me! I doubt I shall get to Niagara this time... was there in June this year!
oh my god.
i am so excited.
we're going to visit vermont and quebec city this time.
Flights booked!!! This is the plan:
November 9th I arrive at Pearson Int. at 12.15pm. Leave for Kingston at 16.00. So I have almost 4 hrs to kill. So far tall penguin is planning to meet me at the airport (hope the change of date does not cause any problems) for a mini apostafest at Tim Hortons. I think we shall call this one the Apostabits! ANYONE fancying meeting for a coffee.... Jeeeeeesus at the Horton, whole lotta gawkin...... let me know!
Brit x
anybody have the bethal list of banned musicians and songs.
i remember after my sister got baptised she said that the brother who dunked her under told her not to listen to a song, i think it was "new sensation" or something like that which was a popular song for the 80's period.
i remember a lot of songs being banned because of lyrics that had nothing to do with what they thought it had to do with.
Gerard Le Roux who studied with me (when I was a teenager) used to rifle through my CD every week and LECTURE me on my demonic music... it was the one thing I FOUGHT for while a Dub, MY MUSIC. I was into The Cure, The Cult, The Smiths, The Violent Femmes, The Cramps, Depeche Mode, The Sisters of Mercy, The Housemartins etc etc. My older sisters where more into the Hi Energy and pop movement... Gerard used to rifle through my CD's clucking, whittering, twittering, huffing, puffing... I had most of the hard core stuff on cassette so not on general display... but I had ALL The Cult albums... I remember the album Sonic Temple used to get him SERIOUSLY agitated... it kinda became sport in the end with him. Bless him... if he was Catholic, he would have crossed himself to ward off the evil spirits in that album. The ironic thing was, when I went to Bethel, I was SERIOUSLY into The Beautiful South (the remnants of the housemartins... and they are still my favourite band of all time to this very day). Gerard discovered The Beautiful South through me.... and because it sounds quite melodic, one tends not to listen to the words too much... well he never used to... it did not "sound demonised" (whatever that meant) so he used to sing along.... and lyrics like:
The neighbours ask them out but they flatly refuse
'We're saving up for a world-wide cruise'
With a choice between loneliness and love-sick QE2's
Well tonight I choose - self-abuse
A four-pack in the fridge
A good book on the shelf
I think tonight I'd rather love myself
Oh, how I laugh at it all now!
well, as some of you might remember, i took the great advice given me many of you, and got hubby to make travel plans with me!
we leave for copenhagen on sunday, then edinburgh on sept.22!
i will miss the board alot while wining and dining thru denmark and scotland, but look forward to catching up once back at home.
Advice for Denmark/Coppenhagen
AVOID cabs... they are UNBELIEVABLY expensive. If you HAVE to use one, check and then DOUBLE check how much the fare is going to be! Also, Tivoli Gardens is a COMPLETE waste of money... truly terrible. Denmark is really expensive. The little mermaid is a bit of a let down.... The view across the harbour behind her is DREADFUL... smoke stacks belching acrid smoke into the air. There is a Irish Bar near the main train station that has elephant beer... a VERY politically incorrect faux Ivory tusk for the pump handle... and it's like, 12%.... two pints of these and you do a Stephen Hawkins... incapable of speaking or walking!
Edinburgh is lovely. Try get out of the city if you can into the Highlands. Edingburgh is terribly touristy, but if you explore the side streets you will be amazed!!
cold calling exclusion zones are springing up across the uk as householders try to deter door-to-door callers, including the latest strain of doorstep "seller" - the charity fundraiser.. the town centre has become their roaming ground, but lately, or so it seems, those insistent young fundraisers known to many as chuggers - charity muggers - have moved from high street to side street..... .
If I am understanding your post correctly, it means no one is allowed to come in and advertise, evangelize, etc.
We already have that here in our "Gated Communities"......My mom lived in one for a while and absolutely no door to door activity of any sort was allowed, including the JWs.
She by-passed this by sending letters.
The only responses she got back were ....STOP SENDING JUNK MAIL!
Having lived in Southern Africa, I am well aware of Gated Communities, but here in the UK, we have VERY few, if any. This will be entire councils, similar I guess to the US County's, outlawing door to door work.... Could get VERY interesting.
cold calling exclusion zones are springing up across the uk as householders try to deter door-to-door callers, including the latest strain of doorstep "seller" - the charity fundraiser.. the town centre has become their roaming ground, but lately, or so it seems, those insistent young fundraisers known to many as chuggers - charity muggers - have moved from high street to side street..... .
Cold calling exclusion zones are springing up across the UK as householders try to deter door-to-door callers, including the latest strain of doorstep "seller" - the charity fundraiser.
The town centre has become their roaming ground, but lately, or so it seems, those insistent young fundraisers known to many as chuggers - charity muggers - have moved from High Street to side street.....
the twelve men who exert control over the lives of 6,000,000 people and who could put a stop to all the harm caused to families if they wanted to:
as i said in another thread, most of them started partaking the emblems after 1935. that's a clear sign that there's a corrosion of the "remnant" doctrine, because now most of the governing body are considered "replacements" of 'anointed ones who have fallen away'.
i finally found out the new gb members' ages.
........-I stuck my head in his car window ( he had two young men with him) ................
NOT this old chesnut again... are we back in the 70's with the GB having twinks at their beck & call?
Mouthy, I am sure he had EVERY intention of giving those two young men a little joy himself!!!
not a fan of peter andre but happened to see his book (biography) on the shelf in tesco.
i had heard in the past that he had been brought-up as a jw, so had a nose through to see if he had anything to say.
he mentions that he celebrated christmas for the first time 2 years ago with katie price.
There seem to be a lot of former Witness singers about. Why is that?
All the practice we used to get singing those STIRRING, MOVING *yack* Kingdum Melodies.
oh my god.
i am so excited.
we're going to visit vermont and quebec city this time.
Wow, that's awesome! If you're planning to come to Toronto, send me a pm and we can hook up. Have fun!
tall penguin
tall penguin,
I shall be in Toronto for a couple hours each way awaiting my connecting flight... do you live far from Pearson?
Brit Boy