I wonder the same thing here. We're about to have a major economic crash that's only beginning. Small businesses and individuals in economically vulnerable roles will be hit hard. It may be years before the economy recovers. Or not...time will tell.
Posts by rebel8
When this is over...
by joey jojo inwhat will the world be like once this pandemic is over?
the world has been through this before, in the form of the bubonic plague and it left changes to life still felt today, especially in regards to the economic system.
so many people dying meant a smaller working class that meant their skills and labour was suddenly more valuable which in turn raised wages.
I'm having a craving for dry crackers and wine
by rebel8 ini'm also in the mood for dressing up in a modest, uncomfortable skirt, half slip and pantyhose underneath.
no knees showing, of course!
i want some shoes to go with it that pinch and cause bunions.. i thought i'd pair it with a button down shirt, buttoned down to the level that covers all cleavage, then 1 more button closed so the bros aren't tempted into having accidental sex interviews with me right on the spot.
I'm also in the mood for dressing up in a modest, uncomfortable skirt, half slip and pantyhose underneath. No knees showing, of course! I want some shoes to go with it that pinch and cause bunions.
I thought I'd pair it with a button down shirt, buttoned down to the level that covers all cleavage, then 1 more button closed so the bros aren't tempted into having accidental sex interviews with me right on the spot. I miss these kinds of shirts because I spend all day trying to avoid letting the neckline choke me and the buttons from coming undone. That's why I wear a camisole underneath--just to be safe!
I feel like having a funeral type goth style party. We'll start out the evening by group chants and songs to a powerful ghoul and reading a horror short story about how he tortured and murdered his son. Then come the snacks and booze. We'll pass around 1 single whole grain cracker on a silver plate and a crystal goblet of low quality wine.
Unfortunately, the store's out of all of these things. What should I do?
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COVID-19 another example showing local publishers/congregations are on their own?
by JWTom inmy area is a large city spread across two u.s. states and multiple different cities and counties.
the area of 2.5 million is covered by parts of 4-5 different circuits.
many of those attending meetings are at-risk individuals with health problems or age related risk.
Seriously? People would call the elders to ask what to buy? That's just so sad, but does sound plausible.
Instead of coddling people with instructions on how to run their lives, they should provide comfort and reassurance, connect them to each other to ensure their needs are met, help people financially, etc.Link +4 / -0 -
The Evil Masterminds Behind COVID-19: Charmin and Cottonelle
by keyser soze inof all the things people decided they needed to stockpile for a potential quarantine.
all of the stores around my area ran completely out of toilet paper this last weekend.
people were piling it into their carts and vehicles as if they were going to be holed up for a year.
People are not buying that much stuff to prep for a 14 day quarantine. They are preparing for much worse than that, which is entirely possible.
Heck, CDC is directly telling everyone to stay home and not go in grocery stores for 15 days, even if they're not sick. This site says 'stock up' multiple times, and has for several weeks. I check this page every day: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/high-risk-complications.html
CDC recommends no events of more than 50 people for next eight weeks
by Quandary inhttps://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/487702-cdc-recommends-no-events-of-50-or-more-people-for-next-eight-weeks.
let's see what "mother" directs in view of this latest news..
I have to say I was pretty impressed by the dr. who is the coronavirus coordinator from the Cheeto administration. Perhaps he accidentally selected someone competent.
This morning, she said everyone must change their behavior, make immediate sacrifices, take this seriously and help each other.
COVID-19 another example showing local publishers/congregations are on their own?
by JWTom inmy area is a large city spread across two u.s. states and multiple different cities and counties.
the area of 2.5 million is covered by parts of 4-5 different circuits.
many of those attending meetings are at-risk individuals with health problems or age related risk.
I mean, if they were actually jehoopla's special people(TM) who had to all follow the same exact group of leaders as they've droned on about for years, then yes, they would have that direction as you said. So in that sense, it is more evidence they're full of caca.
In practical terms, there should be some broad directives from hq, including one that says, "Follow your local authorities' recommendations. Safety first." And then leave it to the local bros to execute that per what the actual experts and authorities say to do, because there are different instructions based on location.
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Funny Now How Nobody Is Up In Arms About Closing The Border
by minimus inthat applies not just in this country.
i just thought it was worth mentioning.🤔.
Why the change?
by Fadeaway1962 inpossible cancelling the memorial after years of experiences of bro/sis under nazi , communist oppression and many other countries still conducting the memorial under threat of death that the governing body is listening to the superior authorities regarding this virus pandemic.. could it be that after taking control of the k/halls that the branch/governing body would be responsible for any disobedience to the civil authorities and liable for any deaths.. they would have left upto the local body of elders and encouraged obedience to god rather than men and a lack of faith in jehovah to protect his people..
It was so much easier for dubs during the HIV crisis. They could maintain a delusion of personal safety by "living a moral life". They were actually happy about it because they were able to twist facts to validate their superiority complexes. And there was no reason to isolate because people who had the virus were "bad people".
Now there would seem to be less of a way to blame Satan/morals.
Meanwhile, decades of going to the kh sick because it was a mandate now goes out the window.
“I’m young and healthy so coronavirus won’t affect me” (why we need to stop this disease at ALL costs!)
by slimboyfat ineven if you are young and heathy there are very good reasons to fear this disease and take drastic actions to avoid it individually, and halt it together as communities.
not only would it be traumatic as a society to lose so many old and unwell family members and friends, but survivors of the disease may suffer significant health problems in the future.
survivors of the first sars virus in 2003 have suffered significant lung problems.
The "do nothing" attitude and widespread mocking of preppers*, I admit, has caused me to lose more of my ever-dwindling supply of respect for homo sapiens.
*I don't mean this in the general, bunker and CB radio sense. I mean people who are preparing rationally to survive the pandemic and its aftermath.Link +2 / -0 -
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
I live in AZ now and we have 12 cases. There is a very, very high % of retirees here, so they're high risk and I want to stay away from all that. Schools are mandated to close and are doing distance learning. Sports events are all cancelled. Most office jobs are now telecommuting.
The hospitals here are triaging in the parking lots and not allowing people to get tested unless they meet the criteria.
Most of us have had a mild cold thing with the same symptoms but no complications, so we're not sure if we've had/have coronavirus or something else.
I stocked up a few weeks ago because I knew it was prudent. Most people started stocking up last week and aren't able to get what they need now. I was trying to order groceries for curbside pickup and the website is totally crashed.
I haven't seen anyone hoarding, just stocking up as CDC recommended.
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