Hi. My Rasputin knowledge is quite old, from my school days, and I don't know how accurate it ever was.
In school, IIRC, they said Rasputin would take the child alone into closed rooms for hours and not disclose what was done. I've always wondered if he was transfusing (which is actually not too difficult to learn--even children infuse themselves). He had the wealth of the family at his disposal--he could have paid for the blood and snuck it in by pretending it was some mystical item.
The claim that the child stopped bleeding (and in fact lived so long) is
the main indicator to me that blood transfusions were involved, since nothing else is effective. (Some disorders are now treated with synthetic clotting factors, which is a very new invention. But even now, many people with bleeding disorders are only able to be treated with human blood products.)
I don't find that article convincing.
Fever, delirium, and spontaneous
remission are not generally found in cases of haemophilia and are
inconsistent with such a diagnosis
Fever is consistent with transfusion reactions, and the "remission" can be attributed to transfusions. Hypovolemia definitely causes disorientation.
haemorrhaging in a haemophiliac, as Alexei was alleged to have been, happens immediately following the injury.
No. I mean I don't even have nearly the severe disorder he had, and I still periodically bleed from an injury I had 8 years ago. I didn't immediately bleed there, even though I was quite aware of the injury and expected a bleed. The stories about a fall being the cause could be true or not--he could have just spontaneously bled after the fall and one thing had nothing to do with the other. But some of us do have delayed bleeding--less likely for him, but still possible.
The haemophilia claim has never been supported by any doctors' reports or medical test results.
Genetic testing was reportedly done and Hemophilia B was confirmed. His body was reportedly found in 2007 with some rather striking evidence it was really him.