Posts by rebel8
I'm studying with Jehovah's Witnesses!!
by Kulotti79 inhello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
Oh. I thought you were aware of the difference between the pedophilia scandal in the jw org and the pedophilia scandal in the RC org. I guess not. There's something to read up on, then. -
Just ask simple questions and make street witnesses move along
by OnTheWayOut inyou don't have to know much to talk to jw's and show them they don't want to really discuss the matters.they consider a discussion on the matter they are pushing to be "confrontational.".
In one of the vids, the cameraman asks the name of the org, "I can't remember it."
Was that a lie? 'cause lying is not ok.
It's good for those younguns to learn they are in over their heads. They're teaching creation and that one guy has absolutely no clue what the truth is--he can't even explain why he's right. That's terribly harmful to society and he needs to feel the heat for that.
Some of us believe we could have done it in a much nicer way, and I'm sure some of us could have. We all need to understand the limits of our communication skills and anger management skills.
I'm studying with Jehovah's Witnesses!!
by Kulotti79 inhello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
So you know about child rape coverups and you're still drawn to it. You brush this off with a comment akin to, "Oh well, I'm just eccentric."
If you're a pedophile, then I guess that explains it. You're with the right group.
If you are not a child rapist then you should think very carefully about this reaction of yours.
I'm sure there are other high control cults that accept homosexuality that you can find to join, to satisfy your need to be eccentric (or whatever your deal is). You could probably even find one that's not dangerous.
You can never be homosexual and a jw--it will never be allowed. You will have to be celibate and you'll always be totally looked down upon for having those 'feelings'.
Now those are some strong words, I know. You're probably pissed off at me right now. I think you need to hear this though. What you're doing is so serious.
Just ask simple questions and make street witnesses move along
by OnTheWayOut inyou don't have to know much to talk to jw's and show them they don't want to really discuss the matters.they consider a discussion on the matter they are pushing to be "confrontational.".
@ first while watching the vids, I was thinking it's mean to confront them in this way.
We've been in fs ourselves with argumentative householders and know how uncomfortable that is. But that's not necessarily that other person's fault--it's because our beliefs were inaccurate and we just didn't like fs.
The longer I watched, I realized this is probably a really good idea.
Granted, other strategies have the potential to reach more people, but this one has promise too. They are on a public street, so as long as you're polite and behaving legally, giving them pressure can discourage them from this activity, thus preventing poisoning more minds. And maybe a few passersby might hear and benefit as well.
Is 40 days without food the best choice?
by John Aquila inin chapter 4 of luke it says jesus went into the wilderness and he ate nothing but fasted forty days and forty nights..
now i dont know about any of you but i once got on a 5 day liquid diet and only lasted 2 days.
i was so hungry that even when i fell asleep i started dreaming a hot brunette was handing me a couple of slices of pizza.
If Jesus was alone in the wilderness fasting and talking only to the Devil, how do they know this happened?
- The same way we know Moses was handed the 10 Commandments from jehoopla when he was on the mountain alone
- The same way we know jesus was resurrected with no one being witness to the actual event
- The same way we know he was immaculately conceived
- etc.
I'm studying with Jehovah's Witnesses!!
by Kulotti79 inhello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
Trashed WT's found in Dr.s' waiting room Friday. Do you trash literature you find?
by Wasanelder Once intook the magazines in the waiting room and dumped them in the trash.
was a great feeling.
to think many witnoids wont dare throw out the surplus magazines they have in stacks around the house is amazing.
Imagine you're in the doctor's office and pick up Family Circle magazine to read. Someone has taken a Sharpie and written, "For the truth about this publication, go to".
I would think, "Oh, a nutter with a blog about how he didn't like the letters to the editor."
I would probably not go to the website and I certainly wouldn't stop reading it because of the graffiti. In fact, I may even feel more on the side off the victim of the graffiti!
I've stuck notes inside wts publications in the public library, because it's the library's property and I could get arrested for stealing or defacing it. But magazines that are left for anyone to take for free? Those are fair game.
Clever/snappy comeback for "you're an apostate"
by Dagney ini'm looking for some clever comebacks.
i really don't care that i am an apostate, but would like to deliver a quick comeback or two to perhaps make the other person think.
any suggestions most welcome.
"So are you." (A version of "I know you are but what am I.")
You'll get a WTH look back, to which you reply that the other person left their religion du jour and they're apostates from that religion. Also, dubs are using the books of the bible selected by the Catholic Church back in the day, so the whole jw religion is apostate from Catholicism in a way. Also, dubs split off from 7th Day Adventists, blahbety blah blah blah.
Also, "Yes, that's a word meaning I left a church. Some cults, such as Mormonism, have attached extra meanings to the word, going beyond what is written in the dictionary and bible. Some say it means someone is fundamentally evil. One hallmark of cults is in-group language. Do you know what in-group language is?" And then give the death stare back without breaking eye contact or speaking. Your goal here is awkward silence--hold onto it.
At the meeting ... Ugh
by cappytan inat least i have this forum.
is there a shorthand for referring to this website?
saying seems like a long winded way..
You should totally do it cappytan. Hide pentagrams in all the artwork. Give Jesus boners. Hide the letters WTF and CULT in the drapes of men's robes. Freak 'em the hell out. j/k -
Trashed WT's found in Dr.s' waiting room Friday. Do you trash literature you find?
by Wasanelder Once intook the magazines in the waiting room and dumped them in the trash.
was a great feeling.
to think many witnoids wont dare throw out the surplus magazines they have in stacks around the house is amazing.
Lifted some from the auto repair shop recently. I waited until everyone left the room and stuffed them into my non-theocratic briefcase. Then put them in the recycling bin at home.
Haven't seen those ragazines IRL in a long time. They look a little more mainstream without the black-and-white-plus-a-single-color line drawings. They also remind me a bit of comic book style health publications distributed by CDC, including the dramatic flavor.
We actually could be saving lives by removing recruitment material. I suppose if you're opposed to removing them, writing a URL is better than nothing. But what ordinary person is going to be more influenced by a URL written in the margin with a marker than by the actual content of the publication? What percentage would even look it up?