Posts by rebel8
How did you get through mind numbing meetings?
by minimus inas an elder, i used to find a legitimate reason to wander.
Village Girl, I estimate I was age 11-19 when I did those things. -
You can "be done with it" inside yourself. No need to help them do their mean, bullying shunning ritual and feel superior to you.
Good luck to you. The bright spot is you're young and have most of your life ahead of you to become your authentic, happy self. :)
How do Americans feel about Canadians and Britons interjecting their opinions onto hot localized political topics: gun laws, abortion, ect?
by adjusted knowledge inin addition to the above question, why do citizens of the two above mentioned countries, or other countries, feel the necessity to tell americans how they should interpret the american constitution for localized issues?.
i fairly much have an idea what the general population in the usa feels in regards to the first question.
this could be one of the possible reasons cnn piers morgan poor ratings and eventual firing.
How do Americans feel about Canadians and Britons interjecting their opinions
I like it when they agree with me. ;)
People in countries that have had socialized medicine for a long time who comment about American tort law is particularly hilarious.
srsly I do not understand why most of US news and politics is of any interest to foreigners. Maybe it's because we're the wayward apostate children who left the family homestead and struck out on our own. Who knows.
If any Brits or Canadians would like the Kardashians, you can have them. Keep them.
Map of blasphemy laws
by rebel8 inwth canada?!
that one surprised me the most..
WTH Canada?! That one surprised me the most.
Jehovah's Witnesses requesting financial transparency in Spain
by JHK intwo jehovah's witnesses requesting financial transparency in spain branch.
one picture in the assembly hall and another on the bridge.. .
Good for them for showing they don't have the freedom to criticize the church w/o punishment.
Translation of the blog page here.
All online translations can have funny spots. This one has a lot:
Dear comrades victims of financial opacity of the anointed cheesy:
How did you get through mind numbing meetings?
by minimus inas an elder, i used to find a legitimate reason to wander.
Could you tell us a few?
Sure. I think I've had a few threads about it a few yrs back, which you may be able to find when our posting history returns.
So anyway, one time I put a haunted house tape playing in the kh basement. That might have been a service meeting or hall cleaning, can't remember. I thought it was going to be epic hilarious, but they were just mad and still scared even after I showed them the tape. Inconsolable.
Another time I spent probably half an hour gently placing lint balls from my sweater on top of some sista's head at the assembly. She was sitting in the row ahead of me in stadium seating, so I could reach her head easily. She never felt a thing and I just silently cracked up the entire time. (I'm doing the same thing right now. Ah, the memories.) Tears streaming down, the whole thing. I started stacking the lint balls on top of each other to see how bold I could get before she felt it. Finally someone else nearby told her and I got in trouble. lol.
I kept a fork in my purse and (gently) poked one sista with it every time she gave me a hard time. Poked her right in the fat rolls, and then denied it. She was always bossing me around at the meetings & saying nasty things. Got away with it for months before my mom searched my purse.
I am not saying these are appropriate, nice or mature things to do. I was a child/teenager in a mind control cult that was trying to murder me, so heck yeah I used whatever coping skill I could muster.
Did a lot of mocking people's singing and jw lingo.
Once I told an elder I had an unbaptized friend who was pregnant outside of wedlock and could he perform a wedding. Strung him along for a while, then told him it was my dog.
Bros with clip-on ties learned to guard it when I was around. I would pull them off.
I think I put some cartoons or something like that on the bulletin board.
Shoved gum wrappers into the donation box.
In my later teens, when I was involuntarily pioneering, I was rarely serious.
Kept popping my trunk back open after a bro tried to shut it, and I told him he just needed to do it harder. He couldn't figure out why he was unable to shut it. I asked him if he ate his Wheaties.
what is 'the arrangement' exactly?
by sowhatnow inwe often hear the phrase.
its used to accuse.... they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement.
or to brag.... its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
Oh come on, that was the most hilarious post I've ever made. The things I do for you people.
what is 'the arrangement' exactly?
by sowhatnow inwe often hear the phrase.
its used to accuse.... they did not follow j's arrangement, you have to live by j's arrangement.
or to brag.... its all due to j's arrangement , we work with his org, and according to the arrangement.
How did you get through mind numbing meetings?
by minimus inas an elder, i used to find a legitimate reason to wander.
Among other things, I used to "take notes" in shorthand. My 'notes' said things like, "f-ing lies". lol
Also, I played lots of practical jokes on the sistas and bros. Lots.
For years, my main goal for meetings and ass-emblies was to not get in trouble for LMAO. I was incessantly giggling for about 5 years straight, because of the notes and jokes, and other stuff I'd think up to amuse myself.
JWs and Multiple Personality Disorder
by Illuminated ini remember the first time i was hit with my loves cult personality.
knowing the real him, my jaw dropped witnessing this switch.
i thought he had lost it.
"Dissociative disorder" is not the same thing as "Dissociative Identity Disorder".
You can Google the definitions of these things but they has nothing to do with cognitive dissonance or typical cultist behavior.
Unless Hassan's using the common/dictionary definition of the word dissociation instead of the clinical definition/diagnostic criteria sense), then I completely disagree with him. And even if he is, that is not the same thing as DID.
Calling cultism medical disorders mucks up the issue. Once we can understand what it really is, we can reduce it, but calling it something else eliminates that possibility.
Cultism is not a disease. It's a lot of things, but it's not a medical condition.