1- The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate.
omg no. Absurd Torah Science
2 -...The Bible for the first time introduces a singular monotheistic god...
i remember studying this book years ago and how it impacted my belief system.
i no longer believe the bible is god's word.
however i do have a couple of lingering questions on this subject.
1- The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate.
omg no. Absurd Torah Science
2 -...The Bible for the first time introduces a singular monotheistic god...
i honestly have never heard such claptrap being delivered in a memorial talk.. the speaker repeatedly put down the way other religions administered the bread & wine, and claimed that witnesses do it exactly as the bible describes.
oh yeah????.
he forgot to mention - when reading aloud 1 corinthians 11:25 - that after passing the bread, a full meal was to be shared, before the wine was passed around!
I don't know about you all, but I love an OP referring to wts drivel as "claptrap".
a week or so ago i posted that the forum was 15 years old (15 years of jehovahs-witness.com) and hinted that there may be some news to announce about the site:.
i also may have some other news to share soon about the future of the site so stay posted.
well, now i can announce it - i sold it !.
Good one!
It would have been funnier if you said you sold it for a large, specific amount of $. You know, for all those people who think you're getting rich off this site. ;)
sickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Sweet Jesus!
as someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
The OP can be used interchangeably for any sort of abuse. (For the few of you who was not spiritually/physically/mentally abused by the dubs, this does not apply to you.)
As someone who has been a pedophile and imprisoned (twice!!!) I find it difficult to understand why abuse survivors have to attack the lifestyle, yes lifestyle, not crime or rape. I am no longer in the lifestyle just do not want to practice anymore. I have no malice or hatred or disgust for any human. So why the constant attacks on them? I came across this site by accident and registered just for this post really. Just be kind to people, say nice things and you will be surprised at how life treats you long term. Do I believe pedophilia is wrong? Unsure. As a man in his 50s thr older I get the less I realise I understand and it is wonderful finding out! So come on fellow humans live and let live. Allow people to be fanatical or not to give a damn! In the memorable words of Woody in Toy Story "Play nice"! Have a wonderful day, week, month, year and rest of your life.
as someone brought up as a jw and been an elder and been disfellowshipped (twice!!!
) i find it difficult to understand why ex jws have to attack the religion, yes religion, not cult or sect.
i am no longer disfellowshipped just do not want to practice anymore.
You see it as attacking? I see it as venting.
Survivors of abuse forums probably vent and criticize their abusers highly too. I find it hard to stomach the notion that it's attacking.
Great for you that you don't find a need to vent and criticize the "religion" as you call it. Sounds like you are not nearly as scarred as some of us.
Instead of criticizing (which by your own definition is also attacking) those of us who were physically/spiritually/verbally abused, perhaps you should educate yourself first. You know, try to understand others' perspectives. :)
For example:
Besides the "selfish" reasons, speaking out has literally saved countless people from the grip of a harmful course of action.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
my wife and sons don't know how far i have gone in withdrawing from the organization in my heart.
i've been faking family worship.
i got angry and almost showed it while watching the march tv.org.
Your mom is probably not going to die if you leave, and your life won't be completely in ruins for ever and ever. It will be one of the hardest things you've ever done, but the sun will rise tomorrow. It will be ok. Do the right thing and you will feel a sense of peace and relief.
dr. jena barchas-lichtenstein is an anthropologist who received her doctorate through ucla.. https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jena-barchas-lichtenstein/43/427/702.
in 2013, barchas-lichtenstein submitted the paper "when the dead are resurrected, how are we going to speak to them?
": jehovah's witnesses and the use of indigenous languages in the globalizing textual community as a partial submission for her doctoral dissertation..
has anybody else noticed a bug with this website, where once you publish your post, only a section of it is actually posted.. this happens to me about half the time.
i'm not sure if it only happens with firefox on a mac, but i will try on a different browser.. i got to the point where i actually copy my post, then publish it, and then go back to it and paste the text again, so i don't have to write the whole thing again..