I kid you not...at one District Assembly the crowd broke into applause when it was announced....[car with its lights on in the parking lot]
That might have been my handiwork.
at the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
I kid you not...at one District Assembly the crowd broke into applause when it was announced....[car with its lights on in the parking lot]
That might have been my handiwork.
at the regional convention (national!!
) for scotland, mark sanderson elicited 13 rounds of applause during his closing talk, (for the least little things!
) plus a final one for his closing prayer!
I used to initiate rounds of applause, just to see if I could. It proved to me that it wasn't some organic moment of mutual appreciation, but rather a reflex.
i emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
i remember this time of year when jw's desend en mass on one area.
a fun game to play is "spot the..." whatever jw walking stereotype you choose.. so i thought i would play it with you guys, starting with how to spot a single jw sister.. i say, she will be dressed up to the nines, probably over dressed in fact, have hair immaculately coffied, make up plastered on, towering heels and be smiling at every brother in site.
all they need is a sign saying "pioneer, virgin, available for marriage!".
It is funny but very sad. When you are a jw teen, one of the few things you have to look forward to for your entire life is getting married, and assemblies are a vehicle to get there.
No holidays.
No birthdays.
No Saturdays at home.
No career.
No education.
No prom.
No college graduation.
No professional accomplishments.
No nest egg.
Just the sad jw life of preaching, boredom, emptiness, lather, rinse, repeat.
I feel bad for the young dubs.
this morning i phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation.
if i remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy.
my sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her.
If the elders disfellowship her for apostasy, she knows that the congregation will speculate about her moral behavior. May be some sisters, who were her friends, will say that she was disfellowshipped for committing sexual immorality, and so on. So, she told me that if she is disfellowshipped, she will make public this act of defamation.
Am I correct that the offense is no longer alluded to in the df announcement at the hall? If so, the persons defaming her would be those speculating and spreading rumors, not the elders...right?
(I am not defending the elders in any way, but I am quite skeptical this strategy has any legal viability. Correct me if I'm wrong. I do not know what country you're in or what your laws are.)
a little birdie informed me that a lawsuit against the watchtower bible & tract society, its legal department, and several individuals (perhaps lawyers in the legal department) has been filed in the superior court of the state of california, county of los angeles for, wait for it.... racketeering!.
that's right, folks, you heard it here first.
i have no other information, other than the case was stamped "aug 07 2015" and the docket number appears to be bc590675.
I skimmed through the 2009 document. It was painful to read. Obviously the man is hurting. I wish he wasn't representing himself, because it appears he is doing himself a disservice. It appears information is mentioned as evidence that is not really pertinent to the issue at hand.
Interesting that it's a civil case for violation of civil rights, not a criminal one.
So would the burden of proof be less? Would the plaintiff have to prove a violation of RICO occurred (which requires proving criminal intent)?
Why is RICO being brought up, if it's a civil case? I have so many questions.
Does anyone know if the status listed ("pending") means the court is proceeding with the case, or does that mean the decision hasn't been made yet?
this morning i phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation.
if i remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy.
my sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her.
jehovahs witnesses hearing adjourned.
6 august, 2015. .
the hearing into the jehovahs witnesses has adjourned until further notice.case study 29 into the jehovahs witnessescommenced on monday 27 july 2015, inquiring into jehovah's witnesses and watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd.further information regarding this public hearing will be announced in due course.. .