I am sorry darling.
Posts by rebel8
My mom passed away yesterday....
by minimus inthank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
City of Sodom discovered
by Saved_JW inhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3270999/has-biblical-city-sodom-monstrous-site-jordan-matches-descriptions-area-destroyed-god.html
The "Bible scholars" are saying it "might be" Sodom.
If Sodom is found, excuse me, but big whoop. Rome is also mentioned in the bible--another real city.
The melted stuff they found has plausible explanations within the natural universe (meteor shower). This further proves the fact that the Sodom story is one of many myths developed by pre-scientific people to explain things they didn't understand. If anything, this discovery reiterates the fact that the Bible contains myths.
Same sex attraction, as a behaviour can be predicted.
by fulltimestudent inbeing ever ready to note information that demonstrates christian idiocy in general and jw idiocy in particular, i was interested in news of this particular research that has been doing the rounds of science oriented news sources this week.. christianity in general and jwism in particular, have viciously persecuted same sex attracted people, thus demonstrating their peculiar hypocrisy.
most christians (the jw brand and other brands) squeal like a speared pig when they suffer any treatment that they call persecution, but are always willing to persecute same sex attracted people (and anyone else that stands outside their narrow-minded vision of the world).. most same sex attracted people will testify that their romantic attraction to the same sex was not a clear cut choice, but was something they grew up with.
(gay by nature).
I thought the term "same sex attraction" was invented by fundamentalists to emphasize their belief that it's just an attraction (feeling) and you don't have to act on it (sin). -
If Jehovah's Witnesses were a cereal, what would they be?
by Zoos incult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
Who Qualifies for TTATT?
by John Aquila inwhen i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
Call me overly optimistic if you want, but I still believe everyone's life could improve substantially by freeing themselves of controlling cults and theism of all kinds.
But some people will not make that transition in a healthy way that will enable them to put themselves together after they are disassembled by learning TTATT.
Everyone could not not all would.
I know people who have done terrible things in jehoopla's name, who probably now know it's all BS. The transition wouldn't be a positive thing for them--accepting they did those evil deeds in the service of bad men and lies instead of the Almighty.
They would all fit on the isle of Wight?
by purrpurr ini remember once asking how the planet could possibly accommodate all the people who have ever lived?
after the resurrection i mean.
the answer i was told is that the gb had calculated that all the people who have ever lived could all fit on to the isle of wight?!.
I heard the Texas one from the dubs.
Basically, there was some secular statement like this in the 70s or 80s and the dubs co-opted (read: misconstrued) it to "prove" resurrection to Earth would be totally plausible.
This was accompanied by a small movement at the time to "green the desert". The belief was that you could pump water into the desert, plant trees, and soon it would no longer be the desert. Claims were made that the desert was so fertile that crops could grow overnight. This was one of many magic tricks jehoopla would perform after we were done burying the bodies of all the dead non-jws.
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse
by Dissonant15 inall states in the us mandate health care workers and teachers to report suspected child abuse to law enforcement.
this year our commonwealth expanded the law to include clergy, and to include a mandatory two hour training on what to look for and how to report, required for all mandatory reporters.. my coworker at the hospital said she and her husband did the training together, because her husband volunteers in the sunday school at the church, they required him to take it too.
i asked several witnesses when this law came into effect if all the elders and ms are going to be taking the training and everyone looked at me like i was an alien and they had no idea what the heck i was talking about.
Look into the law in your commonwealth. I am sure you can find it easily online. Look for mandated reporter laws and trainings--use those keywords.
Then blow in the jw clergy for not taking the training.
You will be doing a good thing to protect jw children.
How Jehovah's Witnesses could become a huge mainstream religion without harming people. Any thoughts?
by JWchange inif jws did the following, i believe they would grow exponentially and become one of the largest 'religions' on earth : .
1. no more dfing or shunning......its up to your conscience who you like or don't like.
in the same way if i was catholic living in ireland, i wouldn't hang out with my neighbor if she was a drunk fornicator, just had an abortion, had a taliban boyfriend and also supported liverpool soccer club.
without harming people
All religions harm people on some level.
Super JW Cart
by M*A*S*H ini have a confession to make.
a strange urge is building in my brain... each time i see a jw literature cart on the street it builds.
it is becoming a stronger and stronger thought in my mind.
Bring some bottlecaps, clear off a corner of the top of the cart and start playing the shell game. -
Super JW Cart
by M*A*S*H ini have a confession to make.
a strange urge is building in my brain... each time i see a jw literature cart on the street it builds.
it is becoming a stronger and stronger thought in my mind.
Dress up like this guy and play made up songs while standing in front of the cart.
"Wrote a song 'bout it. Wanna hear it? Here it go.
"J-dubs sellin trash...uh huhhh"