That's what I suspect.
Perhaps some of us retrained our brains to not surrender to a natural urge to believe the simplest, most drama-laden spins on facts.
Examples (at least I think this is the truth!):
The clock. The son of Muslim activists makes a device that, on purpose, looks like a bomb. Brings it to school, and plays the victim. The media immediately reports this with a stock photo of a different clock, and people who don't read the farking article believe that's the clock he made. Drama ensues with people criticizing the school and police. Literally 24 hours later, some people try to reason with the Internet hordes by exposing the truth about the stock photo, but nobody listens. They'd rather shout with their torches. [citation]
The cups. A known con man, who calls himself a pastor, says Starbucks is persecuting xians because their holiday cups this year do not have a bold pattern. (They do have a pattern this year--just not a bold one, and in exactly zero previous years did they ever have a religious theme.)
A total of 6 people, who obviously are operating with a few xmas cookies short of a dozen, agree with him. They are the people who keep sending him $ for no reason, so they need to believe in him.
Atheists get a hold of his post and spread this non-story around the Internets. The proportion of atheists outraged at the xians to xians actually upset about the cup is approximately 1:10000000000000. The atheists start a campaign to patronize Starbucks even more. Over nothing.It is on the national news--meanwhile, no cure for cancer.
Vaccines. Need I explain? People are not getting their vaccines because they hear anti-vaxx, foaming at the mouth, nonsense. Truth doesn't matter.
GMOs. Human beings have been genetically modifying foods since their knuckles dragged on the ground, and they're safe, even when assisted by technology. A known purveyor of snake oil, Food Babe, made up a story about a scientist getting rich from GMOs (all while receiving much more $ from her sponsors). The scientist was harassed and threatened, even after donating the $, that he stepped out of public view for the sake of his family.
NYT published a BS article.
The apostle who started it all doesn't even believe it anymore.
What do you think? Are people simply hard wired to believe what they want, instead of what's true?