Holy crap. That's nosy.
- Avoid being stuck in awkward situations with j-dubs. Always bring your own car. Do like people do with blind dates--have someone phone you at a pre-planned time and pretend it's an emergency if you want to leave. Or don't go at all!
- Have excuses ready. "I've been having sporadic bouts of uncontrolled diarrhea lately."
- Be contagious. <cough cough>
- Humor. Answer while doing an impression of a GB member.
- Change the subject. "Have you heard about the jw sister who got the flu shot and could only walk backwards because of it? Those who work territories with her start at the other end and they meet in the middle."
- Deflect questions with questions, except crank up the awkward factor a few levels over theirs. "My great-grandparents' names--now that's an interesting question. John and Mary. Now I have a question for you. Has anyone in your family tree ever been a criminal?"
- Be direct. "Why are you asking me so many questions? You're creeping me out."