Sounds like you will have some serious inbreeding with that few people.
We would live forever and would have a no babies rule. :D
in this experiment, mice were given a perfect environment in which to live.
for the mice you would think this was 'paradise'.
but due to their nature it did not take long for this to become a horrible place to live..
Sounds like you will have some serious inbreeding with that few people.
We would live forever and would have a no babies rule. :D
i need some advice guys.
how do you get people to mind their own buiseness without coming off as rude?.
i was invited to a jw gathering last night.
Holy crap. That's nosy.
golden age aug 25 1926 p.751.
"negative gravitation.
you may have wondered how accidents will be avoided in jesus kingdom since we are told nothing will hurt or destroy.
it appears diogenesister feels a need for a proper ass-kicking.. ok, if you insist.
i'm a dub proctologist.... attempting to hijack greatteacher's thread "jw parents in severe car accident,".
diogenesister seized my observation that "bloodless surgery is the standard today, not because of the wtb&ts but because of medical progress" with he carefully-crafted argument "bull crap.".
Of course it was not only because of j-dubs. Battlefield injuries and hemophiliacs (you're welcome) also continue to spurn research and development.
But I hear ya on the jw claptrap that they invented everything.
They claim they caused the entire civil rights movement in the US. Except they're racists and misogynists.
They invented language translation technology. Not.
did any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
Everyone in the world does not have to go to college to be successful. Some people only want, and do well with, entry level jobs that require only a high school diploma. Others do well with trade or vocational training.
The reason I was wanting a college degree so much is because I have physical limitations impacting my ability to succeed in the types of jobs I mentioned.
I did not disregard their advice because I was physically prevented from going to college as a dub. Eventually after escaping, I did go to college. Took me a damn long time.
My career lagged behind everyone else for a while, and now I've surpassed what most people achieve, out of sheer will.
dear all,.
i've thought long and hard before writing this - which came about after linda (fullofdoubtnow), who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, was recommended alternative treatments to mainstream medicine.
i believe i am in a strong position to know just how effective many (most/all?
in this experiment, mice were given a perfect environment in which to live.
for the mice you would think this was 'paradise'.
but due to their nature it did not take long for this to become a horrible place to live..
I would love to live forever in paradise with no crime, hunger, illness, etc.
As long as there were only ~50 individuals of my choosing who mostly left me alone, unlimited books, music and diversions. ;)
i was working one day, had a couple of male customers to serve when this lady walks in & offers me a track on her religion, my answer without thinking " i already know what the bible say's, i'm one of jw's".
she just threw me a dirty look & the two guy's just looked down & said nothing.
i just carried on, served them as nothing had happened.
They even had a manipulative tactic to stroke the ego of the staff first. You were supposed to pick out 1 person who looked like he was a line staff member and ask, "Are you the manager?"
That was supposed to make that person think, "Oooh la la, he thinks I'm the manager. I must look important. Go me." And then that would soften the person up to the preaching as soon as the real manager ok'd you talking to them.
this will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
the best answer to this question ever.
i don't tire listening to it.
"i am not, i am not simply the one who says 'i'" .
In other news, slim has now proven himself to be a prophet!!!
(Warning: this is the sort of clip Cofty or nicolou will switch off in under 30 seconds)