Ok so I thought of an illustration(TM).
Once I was on a cruise. It was a very nice boat but the trip did not turn out at all like I had planned. My single friend brought her mama with us (without telling me she was doing this) and mama got constant doting. So I was alone all the time.
The ship was really nice but I was hoping for a more hoppin' singles experience--I went to the "club" and was the only one there. When we did the muster drill, they asked singles to raise their hands and less than 10 people total raised their hands--I kid you not. I tried to talk to the single gentlemen but they responded like I was an infidel tart and would not talk back. It was more of a "rich senior citizen" type of experience.
So I pouted for a while. I had spent my $ and limited vacation time on this. I was mad at my friend. I wanted to get off the ship and fly home.
Then I decided, what the hell, I'm just going to make the best of it. I've already spent the $ and there's nothing I can do to change that.
Relaxation was widely available, so I soaked myself in the various hot tubs until I was a raisin. I went to all the events on the schedule. I learned how to fold napkins into shapes. I learned to dance the Hustle with an overly tanned wrinkly dude in a Speedo and thick gold chains buried in lots of chest hair. I ate some extremely good food. I struck up conversations with the staff. I looked at the stars. I felt the breeze. I read lots of books.
So life is not what we would like it to be, but it's all there is. You can make the best of it or not, but the outcome's the same.
The moral of the story is you need to take a Hustle lesson.