Posts by rebel8
It's so awkward that people have to touch the emblems
by thedepressedsoul init's just so weird to me.
for a group that is against idolatry so much and yet each person has to "touch" the bread and wine.. one lady was standing and holding a baby.
she called the server over just so she could put her thumb on the bread and wine.. did jesus ever clarify what he wanted them to do in remembrance of him?
I am a vegetarian. It is completely mandatory and normal for me to order a steak, touch the plate, and hand it back to the server. ;) -
How much of the Society's publications just get stored away in the garage?
by donny inalmost a year ago i moved back to the dallas - fort worth area after spending 16 years in the northern california area.
the area i live in has several nearby parks and walkways and these areas have several "share a book" pods mounted on a pole spaced about 1/2 mile from one another.
people are encouraged to add books they no longer use to these pods and to take one if they are interested.. i have been diligent on removing watchtower publications from them and what has surprised me is how many old publications in pristine condition are added almost on a daily basis.
I would love an original Youth book so I can make a collage out of it. For real. -
Nearly subliminal use of JW.AAARRRG on screen at Memorial
by burnedout ini went to the memorial last night.
it was the first time i have seen two big hd tv's on the sides of the stage.
during the talk memorial themed 'art' work was displayed on screen.
Seriously, the logo flashed for 1 second? That is really bizarre, especially since they were all against (mythical) subliminal advertising and backwards masking.
During the talk memorial themed 'art' work was displayed on screen.
Sounds morbid!
Funny things to not do at the Memorial
by rebel8 inpull out a can of cheese whiz, top the bread with it, and take a nibble.. .
say really loud...."oh, wow!
jesus' body is really tasty this year!".
Pretend you're at a wine tasting.
Hold it up to the light, swirl it around, sniff it, take a small sip and swish it around in your mouth.
Then spit it back into the glass and critique it.
How to find someone you lost contact with
by rebel8 inis there an app for that?
seriously, in this day and age, there has to be a way to find someone you lost contact with.
i know, facebook...but i'm having no luck there.
Is there an app for that? ;)
Seriously, in this day and age, there has to be a way to find someone you lost contact with. I know, Facebook...but I'm having no luck there. This person is probably going by a different name now and ran away from home (I think permanently) to get away from dubs I think.
I do not want to post a name in the open forum.
I pretty much know approximate age, old name, gender and I could probably recognize a photo. That's all I've got.
I can't be the only one. Cults split friends and relatives apart. Is there anything available that works, kind of like a bulletin board for adoptees looking for their bio parents?
The official relationship between Jehovahs Witnessses and the Watchtower? I'm confused.
by Joliette incan anybody answer this for me?.
whenever i tell people i'm ex jehovahs witnesses, they always assume that i'm against the jehovahs witnesses, but i am more so against the watchtower then anything.people assume that i'm anti-jehovahs witness, but now that i've done more research i've realized that its the watchtower thats more harmful then the jehovahs witnesses, even though theres a lot of jehovahs witnesses i dont like, i'm not against jehovahs witnesses as a group.. can anyone explain this to me?.
I am more so against the watchtower then anything.... I'm not against Jehovahs Witnesses as a group. Can anyone explain this to me?
"JW as a group" are "the WT". Who is the WT if it is not JWs?
To me, it is like saying, "I am against the organization who sets up dog fights but I am not against the dog fighters as a group."
Free help to escape
by rebel8 inbecause there are culty orgs licking their chops at the prospect of recruiting new members under the guise of "helping" cult victims, and i could not find a decent online resource of organizations that provide free help with the financial/job exit issues, i wanted to do a piece on safe resources.. did i miss any?
the criteria for inclusion are:.
Weird. I could swear I posted a link to the resources page. Here goes: -
by Joe Grundy in(i never was a dub).. this is something which has intrigued me for a while.
i don't know whether it's dub-speak, or us-speak.. it's the use of the word 'ones' as in 'interested ones', 'worldly ones', 'disfellowshipped ones' and so on and so on.. in the 'normal world' we would probably use the word 'people'.. thoughts?.
"Ones" is the worst word of all the in-group language for me. I have a physical reaction to it--nausea in the back of my throat.
It does reinforce the "collective" aspect of the cult.
It gives me the creeps.
making memorial bread parties
by wannaexit ini though i'd heard and seen it all.
i guess i was mistaken.
i saw from various social media the the witnesses are holding parties to make memorial bread.
oh my god
Let me imagine how "fun" these (gag) "get-togethers" are.
A bunch of jw women together. First up is a prayer. One puts a napkin on her head and prays they mix the flour just right to ensure jehoho is happy with a carbohydrate representation of his son's corpse.
Then they mix it in a bowl and cook it while listening to Kingdumb Smelodies and gossiping about who is going to wear what dress for the annual reenactment of Jesus' murder and funeral.
Sounds like a blast.
The memorial beauty pageant
by BlackWolf insince the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
I'll say it again--the 2 best outfits for the Memorial are:
- Full Easter regalia--bonnet, lace gloves, big flowery skirt, white shoes, basket full of colored eggs
- Full funeral regalia--black hat and veil, black dress, black hose--after all, it's an observance of death!
- Full Easter regalia--bonnet, lace gloves, big flowery skirt, white shoes, basket full of colored eggs