Sadly, this is not much crazier than the dubs' actual beliefs.
They already believe a bearded sky daddy raped a minor girl in a totally holy way, impregnated her with his bearded sky son, who was transformed into an Earth baby for 33 years.
The Earth/sky superbaby went around doing magic tricks and giving weird speeches, but despite all of his superpowers, he's unable to show himself even a tad bit today. He is hiding in the clouds.
Then he deliberately allowed the humans to torture and kill him slowly, but not before hosting a dinner where he told his guests to pretend wine was his blood and bread was his body. Instead of being grossed out, the guests enjoyed pretending they were cannibals so much that it became an annual tradition to have the pre-funeral cannibal meal.
And the people who celebrate his resurrection are totally evil.
Not much crazier than a man wanting the court to appoint him to lead this BS.