I can tell you...as a jw child with a serious bleeding disorder in NY in the heyday of the AIDS crisis...there were few moments in my life when I was more angry than at an ass-embly in the late 1980s when the dubbies said their blood policy was to protect jehoopla's one and only super special holy people from getting the virus...jehoopla knew all along and so did the wts.
In my head, I was like, OMG YOU F*(&)&()*& LIARS! They never predicted AIDS and their stupid blood teaching was never created because of the potential for bloodborne illnesses.
Think about it. Let's pretend the wts is or was concerned about dubs getting HIV. They would be advocating testing before having safe sex (even within marriage, if someone had a previous partner). They have never said that, have they?
I hate the wts for their dumb, boldface, unabashed lies and I hate the dubs who believe it when they know they're lies.
I remember that highly insulting moment very clearly. I remember what building I was in and what seat I was sitting in. I had difficulty staying seated and silent.
The subjects of the programme had received Factor Eight for Haemophilia .
This serum was allowed by the WTS at the time (as a conscience matter)
and ,of course still is today.
Actually, this is only partially true, in that this was their official position that they directly flip flopped about. But even when they said it's ok publicly, they actively preached against it from the platform and in private conferences with elders. At a bare minimum, only during the timeframes when they said it's ok, you would be publicly marked as bad association for doing it. When they said it's not ok, they privately said it is and didn't publish a retraction, leaving many of us victims of a policy they no longer believed in.
Tell that to your friend if you like, Blues Brother. :)