As previously stated here and other threads, the Borganization has an interested in disassociation, not you. It does absolutely zero for you and possibly does you harm (severs some important relationships).
The Borganization benefits greatly because it reinforces their authority and insulates their Borg from your logic and reason.
There is nothing in this that benefits you.
DA is not your ritual and has nothing to do with you now.
If you need a ceremonial split, you can do that yourself.
Burn your pioneer card, have a Goodbye Borg party, block all dubs, cancel your talks, change your health care proxy, change your religious identification on your driver's license, get a freethinker tattoo, put yourself on the Do Not Call list, have a single catch-up holiday day called ChristmabirthEasteValentine's Day.......
If you want to flip the bird to the Borganization, DA is not the best way to do that. Playing by their rules makes them happy. Write a letter, take out an ad in the newspaper, do a media interview, do a YouTube video.........
I can think of a gajillion ceremonial ways to leave your Mother without helping her to destroy others' lives and your own.