I really don't know if the Shaklee thing was widespread among jws at that time. I've heard it was but I don't personally remember. I was pretty young then and had little exposure to the rest of the dubs' herbal practices. Or maybe I just don't remember. It was definitely a big thing in my area, along with iridology, muscle testing, kinesiology, and a form of hypnotism to recover supposed suppressed memories (I can't remember what they called it). Oh and that thing where you hover your hands over someone to manipulate their qi. I do know dubs in other areas who to this day still are really into this stuff, even doing it as their main source of income.
Please remember, I have a very rare disorder, and as such, my experience was pretty unique. I'm sure the run-of-the-mill dub never has a conversation about Rasputin or is called a vampire in the kh ladies' room. I aim to point out the scientific illiteracy, coupled with a paranoia about proof and an affinity for the unproven, is dangerous.