So you know about child rape coverups and you're still drawn to it. You brush this off with a comment akin to, "Oh well, I'm just eccentric."
If you're a pedophile, then I guess that explains it. You're with the right group.
If you are not a child rapist then you should think very carefully about this reaction of yours.
I'm sure there are other high control cults that accept homosexuality that you can find to join, to satisfy your need to be eccentric (or whatever your deal is). You could probably even find one that's not dangerous.
You can never be homosexual and a jw--it will never be allowed. You will have to be celibate and you'll always be totally looked down upon for having those 'feelings'.
Now those are some strong words, I know. You're probably pissed off at me right now. I think you need to hear this though. What you're doing is so serious.