a chunk of thawed uncooked fish wrapped in tinfoil..
Sad. He probably caught it while enjoying himself on his boat.
Too bad she doesn't have Jesus' magic turn-a-fish-into-fishes basket.
if you have not already watched the feb 2015 broadcast, go to approx.
it has an elderly sister talking about being old in this world...a long time pioneer who probably thought the end would have come years ago...as the society told her many times.. now she is told to be on a mission to get young ones to also pioneer, and watch for the not so subtle condemntion of higher education!.
sickening stuff........ they missed the obvious elephant in the room.... a life wasted on nothing...now she has no money, and lived waiting for a fairy tale!
a chunk of thawed uncooked fish wrapped in tinfoil..
Sad. He probably caught it while enjoying himself on his boat.
Too bad she doesn't have Jesus' magic turn-a-fish-into-fishes basket.
wth canada?!
that one surprised me the most.. end-blasphemy-laws.org.
wth canada?!
that one surprised me the most.. end-blasphemy-laws.org.
What do the laws prohibit, exactly?
Are we blasphemers, in the eyes of those laws?
i am a big tennis fan and today i watched serena williams win the australian open, one of the four tournaments which make up the pinnacle of achievement in the tennis world, the grand slam.
in her victory speech the first thing she said was that she thanked her god jehovah for the victory.
now i know that rumours have circulated for a long time as to whether she is a baptised witness or not, but she is definitely associated with witnesses .
she admits to having several personalities, and each has its own name
Bizarre. I just Googled this and found several other celebrities making the same claim. Most do not describe the syndrome known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, but rather their imagination. Maybe Serena is doing it to copy them.
im kinda mad, its hard to shake off the look of that little girls face...standing in someones basement, scared.. why the hiding?
if these people werent in this basement, would they be killed?
all them years of studying and being loyal, and its come to this.......being scared in a basement....all bad !
It's AWESOME they put this pic in print. FINALLY showing the truth that they are wacko preppers.
Some congs don't do the prepping and even people here have refused to believe it goes on.
IMO this is a very significant pic. What does the article say?
Why would anyone have a JW.ORG sign in their unfinished basement?
It's a fake
i am a big tennis fan and today i watched serena williams win the australian open, one of the four tournaments which make up the pinnacle of achievement in the tennis world, the grand slam.
in her victory speech the first thing she said was that she thanked her god jehovah for the victory.
now i know that rumours have circulated for a long time as to whether she is a baptised witness or not, but she is definitely associated with witnesses .
Now I am still a Witness and this kind of talk makes me mad. The Sovereign of the universe is spending his time making sure a tennis player wins a tournament? Come on!
I agree, it's arrogant and silly to believe (or even worse, if it was true) for jehoopla to be spending his time on such matters.
Although jah making someone win a sport event is not one of their teachings, it is their teaching that he intervenes on some small life matters (only for some people at some times) while not intervening with suffering, violence, hunger, etc.
Serena is probably just trying to be politically correct/popular. This often means, instead of taking personal credit for personal achievements, one gives false credit to an uninvolved, nonexistent spirit creature.
i thought i saw it last night on a video i have no link for.
( hearsay ).
their logo was a blue square with the same font as jw d'org.. can someone verify this.
as an elder, i used to find a legitimate reason to wander.
You can "be done with it" inside yourself. No need to help them do their mean, bullying shunning ritual and feel superior to you.
Good luck to you. The bright spot is you're young and have most of your life ahead of you to become your authentic, happy self. :)
in addition to the above question, why do citizens of the two above mentioned countries, or other countries, feel the necessity to tell americans how they should interpret the american constitution for localized issues?.
i fairly much have an idea what the general population in the usa feels in regards to the first question.
this could be one of the possible reasons cnn piers morgan poor ratings and eventual firing.
How do Americans feel about Canadians and Britons interjecting their opinions
I like it when they agree with me. ;)
People in countries that have had socialized medicine for a long time who comment about American tort law is particularly hilarious.
srsly I do not understand why most of US news and politics is of any interest to foreigners. Maybe it's because we're the wayward apostate children who left the family homestead and struck out on our own. Who knows.
If any Brits or Canadians would like the Kardashians, you can have them. Keep them.