One of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Cultspeak. Gross. Makes me want to hurl.
No normal person speaks that way. For example: "I'm one of Catholics," "I'm one of Jews."
so my hubby has been on a bit of a roll about the jdubs, we were talking a lot about them & he said the buzz word he hate's the most is "worldly" why?
because he say's "with that one word they have condemned (according to their believes) a person as being worthy of nothing but death.
One of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Cultspeak. Gross. Makes me want to hurl.
No normal person speaks that way. For example: "I'm one of Catholics," "I'm one of Jews."
there's two sides to the explanation of petrified wood not sure yet about what creationists say about petrified dung.
on one side evelutionists say it's a long process the creationists say it happen rapidly caused by noah's flood and after.
has anyone really looked into this argument to see if there a decisive way to show the bible believers wrong.
Rapid petrification does seem possible with hot mineral water.
Why not do an experiment in your own home to confirm?
the more i interact with non-jw men and women the more i notice that i still behave like a jw woman.
when i interact with people (men especially) i find myself being super submissive and docile.
acting like i don't have a brain and can't make decisions on my own.
Very interesting!
Unfortunately, I can't help you. I am naturally a non-submissive person. I don't even know how to reverse engineer it. Hopefully others can give you good advice here.
Or maybe this is simpler than that--maybe you just do the same techniques you do with all the other brainwashing issues?
i mean, i don't want to be miserable or anything, but what's the bloody point of it all?.
since i left the watchtower cult, i have come to realise that god cannot possibly exist...and if a god exists...god is indifferent to humankind as the least.. in 100 years time i'll be gone.
Ok so I thought of an illustration(TM).
Once I was on a cruise. It was a very nice boat but the trip did not turn out at all like I had planned. My single friend brought her mama with us (without telling me she was doing this) and mama got constant doting. So I was alone all the time.
The ship was really nice but I was hoping for a more hoppin' singles experience--I went to the "club" and was the only one there. When we did the muster drill, they asked singles to raise their hands and less than 10 people total raised their hands--I kid you not. I tried to talk to the single gentlemen but they responded like I was an infidel tart and would not talk back. It was more of a "rich senior citizen" type of experience.
So I pouted for a while. I had spent my $ and limited vacation time on this. I was mad at my friend. I wanted to get off the ship and fly home.
Then I decided, what the hell, I'm just going to make the best of it. I've already spent the $ and there's nothing I can do to change that.
Relaxation was widely available, so I soaked myself in the various hot tubs until I was a raisin. I went to all the events on the schedule. I learned how to fold napkins into shapes. I learned to dance the Hustle with an overly tanned wrinkly dude in a Speedo and thick gold chains buried in lots of chest hair. I ate some extremely good food. I struck up conversations with the staff. I looked at the stars. I felt the breeze. I read lots of books.
So life is not what we would like it to be, but it's all there is. You can make the best of it or not, but the outcome's the same.
The moral of the story is you need to take a Hustle lesson.
i mean, i don't want to be miserable or anything, but what's the bloody point of it all?.
since i left the watchtower cult, i have come to realise that god cannot possibly exist...and if a god exists...god is indifferent to humankind as the least.. in 100 years time i'll be gone.
Dahlink. I have the solution.
Build a life worth living. That's it. There is nothing more to it.
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
"If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the "last days" in 1914, Jesus foretold: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur."-Matt. 24:34. Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
Rebel8, not to be hyper-critical (although I am the self-appointed ASSHOLE on this board - no one else, JUST ME) but your quoted "prophecy" seems to be a compression of at least two statements.Do you prefer the dunking pool or the tanning booth turned up to eleven?
Yes it is, because the first establishes the time frame, which is required to show it's a false prophecy. Otherwise it would just be some ol' stupid claim that hasn't come true yet.
And that is exactly how it was told. In the late 1990s this was to occur.
I prefer the dunking pool because I know witches such as myself will survive that. :D I am so pale I get blisters just from walking by a tanning bed.
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
i never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
No, OP, I don't. It took a long time to admit it to myself. I tried so hard to believe.
The problem of suffering while god is omnibenevolent, omniscient and omnipotent cannot be answered logically.
So then, I pondered if god does exist but isn't all 3 of the above. Again, I tried hard to look for him, her, them. But they just aren't there.
I can't find even a single shred of evidence there is anything supernatural at all. Cameras and other technology has improved, yet we have no pictures of demons, ghosts, etc.
To believe in god(s) after learning the facts about the natural world takes a lot of mental acrobatics.
post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies.
i'll start:.
the preaching work will conclude in the 20th century.
Post photographic evidence of dubs' false prophecies. I'll start:
The preaching work will conclude in the 20th century. After that, End Times will begin. Hunger will be widespread and bread will cost a day's wage.