I have heard recently that the society has some sort of financial connections with Philip Morris the tobacco giant.
i have heard recently that the society has some sort of financial connections with philip morris the tobacco giant.. is this true???
I have heard recently that the society has some sort of financial connections with Philip Morris the tobacco giant.
i posted yesterday or day before regarding my anger at my wife being shunned the day after her father died.. in fact it was a very deliberate shun by 3 women who went out of their way to brush right past my wife.. i saw 2 of them today and went up to them in the school playyard and said very loudly for all the parents to hear:.
"i would like to thank you both for your condolensces and for walking right past my wife when her father had just died.. true christianity??
?.....isn't it lovely!!!!!!.
I posted yesterday or day before regarding my anger at my wife being shunned the day after her father died.
In fact it was a very deliberate shun by 3 women who went out of their way to brush right past my wife.
I saw 2 of them today and went up to them in the school playyard and said very loudly for all the parents to hear:
"I would like to thank you both for your condolensces and for walking right past my wife when her father had just died.
TRUE CHRISTIANITY???.....Isn't it lovely!!!!!!
They said nothing...looked embarrassed, and walked off as quickly as possible.
I feel a bit better
my wifes father has just died.
he wasn't a jw but his wife is.my wife and i are recently disassociated.. the thing is, the reason my wife and i disassociated is because of cruel comments made by certain sisters toward my disabled daughter.
now my wife has to see these 2 particular people everyday at school (their 2 kids are in class with ours) now usually, they stand away from my wife waiting for their kids and walk out after us.
My wifes father has just died. He wasn't a JW but his wife is.My wife and I are recently disassociated.
The thing is, the reason my wife and i disassociated is because of cruel comments made by certain sisters toward my disabled daughter. Now my wife has to see these 2 particular people everyday at school (Their 2 kids are in class with ours) Now usually, they stand away from my wife waiting for their kids and walk out after us. Today though they quite deliberately and literally 'brushed' past my wife, noses in the air to emphasize the fact that they were shunning her. They did this because her father has just died and I am sure that the attitude was: 'We are not going to offer you our sympathy.'
Now to be honest, I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can only describe as pure rage! I want revenge!!!! And i do not know what I may be capable of...i don't know how to deal with this. I want to hurt them in the worst possible way!!! Can anyone help me or give me any advice?????
How do I deal with these feelings????
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
Regarding the storage of blood. The society have taught for many years that once blood has left the body, 'it should be poured out upon the ground., This, bringing it up to the modern day means, as the society say, that Blood should not be stored. Hence, storage of whole blood in any form, even if it is your own, is viewed as unscriptural. So again, it begs the question:
do you think that the better the job that you have or the higher the social standing you have, makes it more likely that you will be an elder in comparison to those that are less fortunate???
quite a few elders in my old kh even had their own private car plates.. chukky
Do you think that the better the job that you have or the higher the social standing you have, makes it more likely that you will be an Elder in comparison to those that are less fortunate??? Quite a few Elders in my old KH even had their own private car plates.
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
I appreciate your reply, and some of the points that you have raised ,but what of certain fractions THAT WERE AVAILABLE but not considered scriptural at a specific time AND WERE LATER ALLOWED. Lets use the example of Factor viii, a blood clotting fraction of blood that is used extensively for haemophiliacs. This fraction was available for some time before the society allowed its conscientious use..and yet....it can be a life saving fraction.
Also fractions such as interleukins that are used for treating some cancers, make up a tiny fraction of blood and are passed through the mothers breast milk...yet these i beleive cannot be accepted.
The other thing that i wanted to mention was the storage of blood. Why is it that fractions can be accepted, when they have evidently been stored for a time as whole blood ??? If storage isnt an issue here, then what is wrong in storing your own blood before an operation??
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
I forgot to mention:
People do not always leave JW's to believe in another system. Sometimes it is enough to have a belief in the scriptures and in God rather than specific doctrines to which we may never know the true answers too. Personally, i do not believe in hellfire because it does not reflect love. I am not for one minute suggesting that there is no truth in JW's ....on the contrary, i think that there is BUT...there is certainly also error.
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
Thanks for replying. I certainly, for one, do not think that you are a liar. You are genuine, i can tell that from your comments. But...i must reply to you on a few points. David, you mentioned organ transplants. The reason for not accepting organ transplants before 1980 was not to do with blood. If you peruse through some pre 1980 watchtowers with regard to the question of transplants, you will see that the society viewed an organ transplant as a form of 'cannibalism'. (Even cornea transplants of the eye to prevent blindness were viewed this way)
But nevertheless, we could apply the same principles to blood fractions. Some blood fractions that were previously viewed as unscriptural by the society can now be used. Now, if we go back to the time when these fractions WERE available but were considered unscriptural, where does that leave us?
I know for a certainty that people have lost loved ones (Haemophiliacs...children with leukaemia as examples) in the past because a particular blood fraction that is now permissable, was unscriptural then.(FACTOR V111 for example) Consider too, the issue of vaccinations. Before 1952, vaccinations against disease were considered as unscriptural. Now, they would be a matter of conscience if they contained a blood fraction. So, even though it was a comparitively long time ago, what of all the needless suffering of little children that were not protected against disease?
David, my own 5 yr old will need open heart surgery and this is why i have become paticularly empathetic with ones that have been involved in the situations mentioned. There have been reversals/changes of policy and this has resulted in needless suffering. I am not being confrontational but i would like to know your opinion on these things David.
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
I have read your recent post and it seems that you are a genuine caring person...but i think that you have missed a number of points. Firtstly, you yourself agree that it took real effort on the part of the prodigal son to return..it was hard for him. His father knew this to be the case and so ran to embrace him.BUT....this is not the same with regard to returning to Jehovahs witnesses. There is a period, normally months where a repentant person has to attend the meetings whereby noone at all will speak to him/her. The person normally has to come in when the meeting has already started and leave before or immediately as it finishes to avoid any embarrasment. Now, i ask you David with all sincerity, is that manifesting the IMMEDIATE assurance and love of the prodigal sons father OR is it .....just perhaps...manifesting a spirit more like the other Brother?? (Lets wait and make him work and see if he has really changed)
Secondly....you do, again with all sincerity, seem to view all disfellowshipped persons as having committed some terrible moral sin. What of those who are still living as christians with a deep faith in the Bible, but who simply left Jehovahs Witnesses because they could not agree with all the societies teaching??? Do they deserve such treatment with regard to shunning that may involve family splits??
For example. What if there was a mother with a small child that needed an organ transplant. What if that was the only option to avoid the childs slow agonizing death. But, the mother...with strong faith in God and the society refuses believing that it is unscriptural. Her child dies. 1 year later she reads the latest watchtower that now says its a matter of conscience as to whether someone accepts a transplant. The mother is distraught. Although she has always had a strong faith, whichever way she looks at it, her child has died for something that was wrong. (In other words..her child has died for nothing)
The mother in her bitterness turns against Jehovahs witnesses and disassociates herself. She is shunned and treated as if she were dead too, just like her child. I ask you in all sincerity David, can you honestly say in your heart of hearts that this is deserved on the part of the mother??? Is it loving??? And yet these situations are not hypothetical...they have happened to many good people.
I would very much like to hear your reply.
my wife and i disassociated 3 months ago and my wifes mother is still a jw....but.....she still sees us regularly.
today, a 'clipboard' elder went down to see her.
he has been her book study overseer for a year and has never once gone to see her even though her husband is dying.
I would like to ask David how he can possibly believe that the doctrine of disfellowshipping and its consequence of shunning can be based on love? Have you taken the time to read the many heartbraking stories of how families have been torn apart because of this? Is it right to tell a mother that she can no longer see/associate with her daughter? Is it right that a daughter decides to no longer see her mother? Is it right for a father not to be invited to his daughters wedding? Is it right that a son decides not to attend his fathers funeral? And all of this because a person may decide that he/she can no longer agree with the societies teachings (not necessarily that a person is an unrepentant sinner!) Is it right that a teenager gets disfellowshipped and is driven to suicide through guilt and despair?
Is it right that a person who still lives by high moral principles, who still loves God/Christ and has faith in the Bible, to be treated as if they were dead...even by their own family? It is noteable that Jesus allocated much of his time to the outcasts of Jewish society, those that were shunned and viewed as nothing.
If you have ever shunned someone, did it feel natural to do that? The reason it did not feel natural is because it was going against the very feelings and image of God that you were made in.